
Showing posts from 2024

Our LBD and parkinson disease journey

 Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse passed away from a terrible disease?  Where do you go?  What do you do?  Where will you live?    So many questions.  They are on my mind all the time.  Hubby is in a stage of Lewy Body Dementia....last night he had bad dreams and was yelling.  I woke him up and he settled down...but I could not sleep....I tossed and turned until I finally got back up and walked the floor.  I always walk when I am stressed, and I needed answers.   I have children who are married with kids but what mother wants to make herself a burden to them and their families.  I sure don't.  But what lies ahead for me.  I will take care of hubby as long as my body will hold out.... which if I have to crawl, I will be there for him.  We are in this together.  But for the future he cannot even think about it.  The disease will not allow him to do so.  He just looks at me and says, "I don't know but you will figure it out".  A doctor put in for m

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey Not sure where to start...hubby has been not feeling well the last few days....gets very upset easy....thinks I am being mean to him by not letting him go back to work driving truck....then he sleeps most of the day and awake all night...last night he was in bed out of bed walking around...back in bed ...back out of sleep for this he is not feeling well...eyes are glassy and his face is flushed....same meds....just this crazy disease...he can't even think about what needs done or not done....he gets more obsessed over little pieces of paper on the floor...drives me crazy...he will walk around and pick up tiny things on the floor but walks over the toys or clothes the grandkids drop......neurologist says it's normal for this stage but drives me crazy...he can't understand why he is not getting better and he feels so tired all the time....I don't know why he isn't getting better but I know

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Nothing is impossible to those who believe. ....While the storm is raging,...... it's easy to forget how good God can be...but hold on! ............The enemy comes to rob,......... to kill and to destroy........Remember when God saved your marriage,........ helped you find that financial breakthrough?.......... Remember when your prodigal son came home,............ your relationship was mended? .........Remember when He sent that job out of the blue,..........or a neighbor to hold your hand while you were facing your darkest day? That same God is still in charge. ..........And He is still watching over you........... He did not bring you this far to let you down today..... Cling tightly to the hem of his garment.......... The healer is passing this way

Our Lewy Body dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  if your parents are downsizing, or moving to smaller places, or selling a home, give your mom and even your dad a break. For those things that you don't understand why they can’t just pitch, and why you think you know what needs to be tossed or saved, give them a little time to make their decisions. They are saying goodbye to their past, and realizing that they are getting ready for their end of life, while you are just beginning your life. As I have been going through things, it is amazing just how hard it is to get rid of objects. But, life goes on, and you realize they are just things, but sometimes things comfort us. So give your parents or grandparents a break. Listen to their stories, because in 40 years, when you are going through those boxes and the memories come back, it will be hard to get rid of those reminders of precious moments that make up a life well lived. You just don't have a clue until it happens to you, and then you will remember how you rushed them, and

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey Today hubby went to work with me...I was to scrap old paint off a wall of a house and prepare it so it could be painted again...we had to scrap and caulk all cracks. Hubby helped out as much as he confused about tools....and directions but was a good help. As long as I kept the instructions one at a time. We worked hard and put in a long day. But got it all done. Tonight hubby went to bed early and was doing good until a few minutes ago when he woke up yelling and throwing his arms around. I finally got him awake and settled down and he said he was fighting a guy that was trying to hurt my foster mom (mom Carr)....weird which I haven't seen her in years....but hubby was fighting him in his dreams. Now he is sleeping sound. This disease is so weird...some days he is almost normal and others so confused. Almost like two people instead of one. I never know when or where he will be a mess....he got angry a fe

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #101

  Today has started off....with me laughing, crying and walking away. First I find hubby standing in the kitchen holding a pair of pants. I say "What are you doing?" he says trying to find out how to get into I get him in the bedroom find him pants...I walk away and finally go back to find him with all his pants out of the closet on the floor...."I say now what are you doing?"....he says trying to find the ones you want me to wear....mercy.........then he is calling for me in the kitchen....I find him at the coffee bar saying "where do I put the grounds"....he is trying to use the Keurig....."no Brent no coffee grounds you use a k cup:.........back to the socks........socks everywhere.....but he thinks not one of them is the right one.......he goes down to the laundry room......I say "brent you are not to do laundry any not".........well....I go down as he is yelling up the stairs what is with all these clothes...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #100

  Today was a sad day not a bad day just sad. I have been trying to get the last window in our house done before winter but always something seemed to come up and it didn't get done. So today was the day. Hubby and I worked together and got all 10 windows in except one when my wrists were broke and I was in casts our grandson Brayden helped grandpa. But today....hubby would try but would get so confused. He didn't know where to put the old boards....what to do with getting me tools. Just so many things we always did together. This time I was on my own. I would try to explain things to him but it would just confuse him more. Makes me sad....he is still leaving me...little by little.....and I already miss him and he is setting in his chair.....terrible disease.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #99

  Well....I am happy to report I thank we are on a level plane.....things are going along good...Hubby sleeps a lot anymore but most of the other symptoms are under control. He even mowed a little more on the lawn yesterday before he went back to bed. Today he got up ate breakfast got dizzy and went back to bed. Even the grandkids could not get him up. But he is not in swelling, no excessive confusion, no yelling, no aggressiveness.... just on a level plane.......but I will take it. Thank you for all who have been asking. God bless and thank you for your prayers.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #98

  Tonight, I am a tired old lady. Been busy ...the trip to Wallowa was stressful. When we were at the lake, we enjoyed it and being around the campfire was great. But driving over and back was hard. Hubby has a hard time being in the car for many hours. Since we have been home he has slept a lot and his legs have been swelling again. He went to work with me today for half a day but slept in the car in the I brought him home and he went to bed. He has been telling people that his body is just giving out on him. And it is. He went grocery shopping with me this evening and that was to much for him....he went to his chair and fell asleep again. That is about how our days are going...he sleeps a lot and I try to keep things going around the camper and getting things ready for Fall. This marriage is a one-person marriage right now...but I am so glad...he is still here. We told Wallowa goodbye...and it was sad but alot of people we know didn't get that

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #97

  Well we had a great weekend trip to wallawa lake...hubby did good with the long trip over but the second day he slept all day....the third and fourth day's he did great....I didn't push him just let him enjoy the and grandkids came over and we all had fun....we couldn't have campfires so daughter brought her propane firepit and it was great....this morning the wind came up fast and then the rain....I had the camper ready to go so we were prepared...trip home was stormy at first and then just home and now resting up...tomorrow we will empty out maizy and get her ready for more trips out of town for us camping....we will just take her down to Hells gate in the spring...if we are both still here....before we left today Jerry Vantrease came over and prayed for us....we haven't seen him and Janette for over 3 years but when he came to camp we were family of God again....he blessed us so much with his prayer....and I got a large i

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #96

  At wallawa marina. Been so nice .. hubby has had a hard time. He wants to keep up with everything but then gets sick

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #95

  Well it's 2.59 am hubby woke me up with yelling and fighting the air.. I got him settled down and he said he was being attacked by two guys at a truck stop. He had a bad day yesterday. Lots of confusion....praying for our camping trip...leaving today... guess I need coffee..sleep on friends...God bless.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #94

  Today has been relaxing...we are home from our trip to our neurologist. Hubby has been not feeling well and sleeping a lot. I think it has to do with his meds being upped....his leg is swollen but not much can be done. So he just rests. He sets on the patio and sleeps in his chair...I go out and check on him and give him drinks and snacks. No talking ...he just sets. I am in the house doing housework. We live to different lives in the same house. Our neurologist understands the problem. But this is how it will be. I am learning my new role. I care for him and he tries to keep on keeping on. His moods come and go....when he isn't asleep he is cranky. Not his fault and I am learning how to deal with it. But this afternoon the professionals came out of the woodwork....calls....all wanting to help in some way....but not help....well Helen you don't qualify for this...but it is a good program....well Helen just wanted to let you know about this program but insurance

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #93

  Getting everything ready to leave for wallawa on Thursday...hubby can't walk today...guessing it is from the ride home yesterday from Nampa...this weekend taking the dodge ram so he will have more room plus pulling Maizy if he needs to rest he can and we will stop more often....I know most of you think I am crazy but we always go the long way to wallawa...we love the trip through all the farm land...and it's not so stressful as rattlesnake grade....this is our last time for this trip so going to make the most of it....meeting daughter and her family there so that will be fun....we always camp next to each other and since I am only 13 feet long we always turn my camper so our doors go out together and we just make the area between all ours....plenty of room if anyone wants to drive over to visit....making stew and homemade bread for dinner and working on the house...God bless and have a great Labor Day week........

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #92

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey Having a good time at daughters we are going home in the morning...hubbies appointment went good...we love our neurologist...she understands everything we are facing.....she talks with us and helps us figure out how to handle situations....hubby's health is in decline...which we can see everyday....I hate taking meds but she feels that if she ups hubby's meds it will help him I said yes....she is the doctor and I will respect her as such...I felt that she probably would do that so I was prepared .....we know what the end will be so we just try to make things the best we can for him....I always say only God knows our day and we just keep on keeping on....she does not want hubby to get a wheel chair even though he walks very little any more...she wants us to keep him using what muscles he has that ended that decision for me also....well going home in the morning....

Lewy Body and Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #91

  Traveling to nampa took 6.5 hours. Hubby had a hard time riding in my time bringing the truck with more room for him. Stopping a lot for him and all the road construction. What a crazy drive...but we made it... today is his doctor appointment. .he is resting...before we go...been getting a lot of shopping done this morning...enjoying daughter and family

Don't be fooled

  The world is not fooled. ....They do not believe for a second that because we are Christians, we have perfect lives..... Christians should be the first to raise their hands and offer a confession:........... “I struggle sometimes!” .........and yes I do......Life is hard for everyone...... Suffering happens to even the most faithful of people............. we need to show the world that we are real and human...... But more than that,......... we show the world that when suffering happens,...... we reach for the Rock that is God and the Refuge that is His Son, Jesus Christ. ....just something on my heart this morning......Lord, help me.....God bless...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #79

  Today it's hot and I am home so staying in the AC and getting caught up on housework. I go to our room to change sheets and pick up and I find a pair of matching socks laying neatly on the floor side by side next to hubby's dresser. Why??? I grab them and toss in the laundry. I then go to the guest room to clean there I find next to the bed a pair of socks on the floor neatly placed side by side. So I grab them and think what??? Been married to this man for over 50 years this has not been one of his problems....another pair in by his chair...another pair next to the couch. So I finally go ask him...."he has no idea and doesn't remember putting them there".....what would make him obsessed with socks.....mercy.....6 pairs all laid out and ready I guess........

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #90

  Well, it's been one year today...that hubby collapsed at Walmart. Yes, he had issues before this and doctor after doctor could not figure out what was wrong. was so stressful...than he just collapsed at Walmart and fell over on the cart in pain. We found out he had a large hernia extending out on his then doctor after doctor until a surgeon could get him into surgery. Three emergency room trips with it coming out and each time getting bigger. But this brought about more symptoms on the other things that were going wrong. So, they finally sent us to Meridian and the neurologist knew exactly what we were facing. I have to say she was right as things have gone downhill pretty fast since that day. We are still seeing four different doctors and each one just shake their heads as they know our days are limited and there is nothing to change the course of these diseases... Yes, I know we are to rely on the reports of the Lord and not the report of man. But we are all h

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #90

  Well, it's been one year today...that hubby collapsed at Walmart. Yes, he had issues before this and doctor after doctor could not figure out what was wrong. was so stressful...than he just collapsed at Walmart and fell over on the cart in pain. We found out he had a large hernia extending out on his then doctor after doctor until a surgeon could get him into surgery. Three emergency room trips with it coming out and each time getting bigger. But this brought about more symptoms on the other things that were going wrong. So, they finally sent us to Meridian and the neurologist knew exactly what we were facing. I have to say she was right as things have gone downhill pretty fast since that day. We are still seeing four different doctors and each one just shake their heads as they know our days are limited and there is nothing to change the course of these diseases... Yes, I know we are to rely on the reports of the Lord and not the report of man. But we are all h

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #89

  Put hubby to work today...yard work. ..he did pretty good then i finished

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #88

  Working on Maizy Belle as much as I can I get tired pretty easy with this cold....but getting her ready to make her final trip to Wallowa Lake....this will be my last year to go camping there....our kids are not interested in camping there and it's getting to much for me to try to handle brent, the camper and going to make this year a special one and make memories...depending on the months ahead whether I will sell her or not....but I do know 4 hours one way to Wallowa is just to hard for another Labor day at wallawa lake and then moving forward to the next chapter....just trying each day to keep my hand in the Master's hand....

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #87

  I worked today doing what I love to do...working with son in gets me out of the house, meeting new people and using my win...and I also get paid. But tonight I want my hubby back. I know we are all told we can not live in the past....I need the past. I come home from work. Hubby has not answered his phone all day. Did not hear it ring. So I was worried about him. He never ate all day...not sure why....just was setting in his chair with no TV on...just setting. I come in and tell him about my day...about me being sick....about needing to fix dinner...about this is August and we have certain things we need to do in August....such as order fuel for the furnace etc.... And then I get upset....he is just setting there not saying anything....then he goes and puts his shoes on....I say what are you doing...getting ready to go with I am not going anywhere....then I get a virtual slap....he hadn't understood a word I said. no reasoning nothin

Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey #86

  If you know anything about LBD you know that REM sleep disorders and hallucinations are all part of it....hubby hasn't had a problem with hallucinations but he has had REM sleep disorders......he has had dreams where he is fighting off animals or people trying to hurt the grandkids.........or he tries to run away from different situations........this is where he will fight the air, the bed, the chair, swinging his arms and legs and sometimes....gets me.....but all in his sleep.......he is on meds for this so it is so much better.......but lately he has been having dreams that are different........he is enjoying his dreams....he dreams about being a little boy, about his early years of semi-truck driving, church services as a child, him setting down and preaching to young people on the streets.....dreams he is loving and tells me all the details......he is so happy telling me these stories.....these are good times.....I got us drinks from the drive threw and took us down to hells

Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey #85

  Now I am not complaining ...just hard to stay upbeat.......I worked today for about 7 hours....hubby was with us for about 3.5 hours just to get out of the house and watch what was being done...but with the heat and all he wanted to go I took him home so he could be in the AC and tonight.........the knee is better but the foot is bad.....hurts and hard to end to this will talk with kids and see what is the next point of action to take.....he is not feeling good and I am exhausted....LIFE....

Our LBD and P disease journey.........#84

  We were on our way to the hospital at 3:30 am...the other morning...getting hubby into the car and him not able to bend his knee was an ordeal...I finally got him in and he looks at me and says "I think the Lord is preparing me to take me home to Heaven".....I said "what" way it's just your knee.......he looks at me and says "no I mean everything" and then he turns and doesn't say anymore......tell me how do you deal with that.......what rushes to your mind is all the ways he has gone downhill.......all the confusion....doing things crazy...all the times of aggression...anger...and then I think about all the of tenderness and goodness.......and I tell him "well, if you go I want to go too" can't leave me here alone....50+ years........we are in this together........

Our LBD and P disease journey #83

  Hubby is going on day three of a bad leg....pretty painful...called doctors and they say just give him Tylenol...also talked with others on the group chat for this disease and their hubbies have had the same problem....not much can be done other than give a different med and they all say it just caused other for now hubby rests in his recliner and tries to hobble to the bathroom when needed....brought his rollator in but he can't use it much in the house many things grandkids are playing and he enjoys watching them play.....we will eventually have to move to a one level....I have stairs everywhere...2 steps up to family room....2 steps on the other side to kitchen.......then family room, bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms are all on one level......oh well....we just keep moving fever, no redness on knee, knee is not hot, knee is a little swollen but hurts behind the knee and up back of leg.....

Our Hard Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #82

  Ok...I am not so emotional today. This disease is hard. For two weeks we were doing so good almost to the point that I sometimes forgot it was there. This week. I have been slapped around. Not by someone but by issues. This disease is an emotional and downs. Today hubby is angry. Angry about everything and everyone. His leg is bad and he is experiencing the rigidity of the Parkinson disease. Real stiff walk...can't bend knee. So he is angry. He can't walk but I wanted to run to the store to get out of the house and he wanted to go....was angry because I said "no". I want to go alone. Alone...does not exist anymore.....I am not sure which would be worse....hubby passing away suddenly or me watching him pass away little by little. Things changing little by little. Yes, this is a hard disease....and when it's your is right in your face all the time. Good thing most of the time hubby doesn't even know anything's wrong.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #81

  f you are having a bad day today call or text me and we can cry together....not feeling good and everything makes me cry......yes..I know so you don't have to tell me....I AM A BIG BABY.....but right now...this girl doesn't care.........ok I am better ...back to life and thanks for listening....( please don't stop by as I can only wear a few clothes today...just saying)

Our Lewy Body Dementia and parkinson Disease Journey #80

  Hubby trying so hard to be normal..and then his body shuts down...such a mean cruel disease...everyday is different...up and down...I am trying so hard to just except it and work with it....but to be honest...I hate it...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey. #79

  I am happy to say hubby has been doing good. He helped on the deck ...packing things up and down a 45 degree hill. He never fell once. Got tired but it went good. The last couple weeks at home he has been really trying...trying to over come but it's a disease and he can only do so much. But God has been good and he has been on the up hill slope of things. Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for prayers and for hubby doing better. Yes we know it is a matter of time but things are good for now.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #78

  We have been blessed with a couple mild weeks. Hubby hasn't gotten really upset or had any bad nightmares. Pretty calm. He just picked up a few more is he doesn't want to tie his shoes.....gets mad if I say "whoa you need to tie your shoes before we leave the house"....this makes him angry......but will finally tie them...............he doesn't like the TV any more.....if it is on he turns it off........he wants to just set and do nothing and listen to nothing......he reads very little and thinks he has read all day......when he orders in the restaurant it is always the wrong food......he tries to make a scene but usually one of us steps in and he quiets down...most days he is real confused and hard to talk with....I usually just give up. I will be taking him with me to the new house to help build a deck on. I figured out how to take him and still care for him while I work. He got real upset last time I left him home so best keep him close b

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey....#77

  All our kids were home for a few days....hubby was so excited. He would set and tell them some real old stories. Ones that I knew was all tangled up but we let him talk. He would tire real easy and had to rest a lot. Everyone went home and we all went back to work and yesterday he was so sad as he had to stay home by himself. Today his son Jon calls and ask him if he wants to go to dinner. Hubby got all excited took a shower, got dressed up. Sat down in his chair and fell asleep. He is still sleeping until our son comes. Life is so good when all our kids are home. We made some real good memories that we will remember forever.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #76

  Well with this heat wave we have stayed pretty close to home. I have been finishing some household projects and hubby just reading a little and resting. But today for some reason he is feeling all the pains of this disease....dizzy, no appetite, bowel problems, wanting to just sleep, legs hurt and a new one his ankles hurt. It seems to have all started he is sleeping....grandkids came to visit and he played with them for a little while then back to bed. He never sleeps during the, I do sometimes but not him....So if you are not busy just whisper a small prayer for him today. Thank you and God bless all of you...we love and appreciate everyone of you and so happy we can call upon you to pray when we need it...God bless...

Son Jason

  You know I have been really thinking about the prodigal son....really getting into it...also how there isn't a perfect parent...we are all just winging it.....some of us think we were the perfect parent but just go ask one of your will learn things you didn't even know happened....well we have been blessed to have 3 of our 4 kids live pretty close to us....all but our oldest son Jason....he lives in Nevada...jason went to elementary school here in Lewiston...then we chose to private school him and then homeschool him...he finished school got his GED and then started working his butt off....his goal was money, assets and a great life....he worked his way up to Manager of Telsa in Reno, to know E Musk very well and even traveled with him....he had no time for family....he is married and has 3 daughters...but us in Idaho no time for us...he would text us...stop in as he traveled through but never really visited...just hi gotta go......but this old mom and

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey...#75

  Our morning has been crazy.....hubby and I got up early to go pull weeds along our fence.....we got them pulled ....worked on laundry...picked up grandkids....came home and worked in the kitchen and then hubby says "o I forgot to tell you I lost my hearing aid"....he has a special $5000 hearing aid....good granddaughter Ariell and I are in a panic...outside looking inside looking....crawling on the floor where he changed clothes......everywhere.......finally I decide I need coffee..........exhausted from looking and there beside the coffee pot is the hearing aid......crazy part is hubby very seldom drinks coffee....mercy....... Lately I have found things put everywhere.....he tries to help but can't remember where things go........weird things in the refrigerator.....dirty dishes in the cupboards, tools all over etc.....just part of the package...I don't even say anything any more...I just go behind him and change things back.....part of life...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #74

  We have the best kids....we are just home and son Jon calls and says we are coming with a surprise for you.....and I guess a puppy and said "Jon says no more dogs".....but Jon and Sue walk in with this brand new brown recliner lifter chair from the furniture store in Clarkston for reclines but also raises up for easy getting out of it....such a blessing as hubby is having issues today with his legs and back being stiff.....makes us want to cry we are so blessed....

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #73

  We had a real nice couple of days camping....met a couple from the Netherlands who visited with us as they were getting ready to leave for came and went....grandkids loved swimming at the beach...hubby and I have been married for 50 years but over the last couple days I heard stories from him I have never heard before....his disease has stages and this one was so different....he was so mellow....into telling about his childhood....fears he had.... at times he just wept and cried....things I didn't know....but tore my heart out to see him cry........but as a caregiver/wife....I was told at these times to just let him talk........made me realize more how this is right in our faces....more how I feel before 70 you pretty much control your own life and choses....but after 70 life pretty much controls you.......we enjoyed the time with each other and got to know each other even more.......hubby had fun just meeting people...waving, talking to different ones he didn&#

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #72

  Downstairs in basement getting a few more camping items when I saw all my croquet games....I have about 6-8 complete sets of vintage croquet games......we haven't used them in years......but I was thinking I might try this out camping this weekend as hubby used to love to play so I am taking it ...can't hurt to try....he said he doesn't remember how to play but it should come back in pieces to him......we will see...I need to take the time and sew up some bags to keep each set in...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Joureny #71

Kenny Chesney - While He Still Knows Who I Am (Lyrics) ( Drive a Chevy 'cause he drove Chevy's Like him I'm a baseball fan I'm going back to see him While he still knows who I am Mama says he can't remember Daddy thinks he still can I'm going back to see him While he still knows who I am This time I'm gonna hug him Instead of just shaking hands Gonna tell him that I love him While he still knows who I am I only knew him as my father I'm gonna get to know the man I'm going back to see him While he still knows who I am This time I'm gonna kiss him Instead of just shaking hands Gonna tell him that I love him While he still knows who I am Songwriters: Tom Douglas, David Allen Berg, Georgia Middleman For non-commercial use only. Data from: Musixmatch

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #70

  Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson disease journey.....well this is a new one....we are both exhausted so I go to bed at 9...hubby was taking a thing I know....hubby is in bed..let's out a loud the same time he jerks real hard...the bed goes toward our feet and falls to the floor and the headboard lands on our heads...mercy...going to be a long night....

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #69


Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey #68

.....well the solitaire game did not work...hubby would get confused..did not want to learn it...would get angry ....could not remember any directions....but I enjoyed it...he has been stumbling a lot..almost falling but then will catch himself....I really miss conversations with him...nothing...he sets and watches TV....but has nothing to say...if I try he says..I have no idea what you are saying I can't follow you.... well thanks for to find something to do until he gets tired

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #67


Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #66

  Hubby and I were both raised that you didn't play cards....and now the neurologist says give him a puzzle or cards....well he is not going to do a puzzle so we are learning how to play solitaire....blind leading the blind....I call daughter every few minutes what do we do...mercy

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey....#65

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey.... Long night last night...hubby was up 7 times....could not sleep ...when he did sleep he would dream something was after him and he would wake me up he is sleeping ...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #64

  Hubby has a blue walker with a seat attached. We picked this up one day at the thrift store when hubby was having a bad time so dizzy he couldn't I turned and said "oh set down on this"...well we ended up buying it and it has worked out pretty well. But my dilemma is.... I drive a 2012 jeep liberty...the hatch comes up and we put the walked folded down in it. But as the disease goes on hubby's strength is leaving. He struggles to get it out of the back. So I try and it is doesn't fold clear down so the wheels catch, or the handlebars catch......sure not like the old strollers that folder clear down. So what I have the kids looking for is something that we can both man handle with this walker. Yes, my jeep has top racks on the roof but too high for me. So not sure if we need a hitch rack but one that I can still use the back for groceries or what.....also what I buy I need it to be able to have attached a fold down wheelchair. Any idea

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #63

  Every day it amazes me how much this disease steals from us....I hate it. Today I was to ask hubby several name the 12 grandkids...this is one he practices all the time...over and over but when I asked him ...he names one son and 5 grandkids and was so frustrated he could not remember the others....this is a man who could tell you the license plate numbers of the people who lived in Weippe in the 70"s..........he still knew them up until this disease.......a man truck drivers would call and ask what was some of the best truck stops in the states.....he knew them by name and he takes the garbage out and never can remember to put a bag back in....he vacuums be goes over and over in one spot......he puts dishes back in not the cupboards but the oven, refrigerator, dressers anywhere......but also a guy who if you ask him about semi's will talk for hours ...gotta love him and just follow behind him and fix what needs done....yes, it drives me

LBD #62

  LBD.........One of the hardest things to process is the slow change in the one you love. Becoming a completely different person. Everything changes. Just so you know. It's called the long goodbye. A rapidly shrinking brain is how a doctor described it. As the patient's brain slowly dies, they change physically and eventually forget who their loved ones are and become less themselves. Patients can eventually become bedridden, unable to move, and unable to eat or drink or talk to their loved ones. This is what we have been told.......but not what we except.....our lives are held in the palm of the Masters hands.....

Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #61

  Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson Disease journey Today has just been a weird day. Last night hubby could not sleep his leg hurt and he was restless. Then we always get up around 4-6 am. This morning, I got up and hubby said I want to sleep some more. So ok go ahead and rest. About 9 am I go in and say "Brent, I need you to wake up I need to run to town and take care of some things and get groceries".... he rolls over and says "ok, go ahead and go"...what???? ...hubby never says that.....he never likes me to go alone even if he has to set in the truck while I am in the store.....but today he says "go ahead"......I get back around 11 am...and finally get him to get up....he says his leg is ok....but he is just energy...doesn't want to do if you are not to busy......just whisper a prayer for him....he ate good but just not Brent.........

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #60

  Today has been a long day....we started at 8 am working on a wraparound deck....3 sides of the home...we had to repair, reinforce and paint it....took us until 5 pm tonight to finish....looks great but was working hard and in this heat I forgot to take pics....hubby had to stay home on this job....he woke up with his knee not he couldn't walk much at all fact he hardly made it down the two steps to his chair and TV had him keep his cell phone and watch handy so we could call and check on him......which we did but he never did answer he never heard either of them ring..............but all is well ...we also had a dear friend stop by last night and pray for both of us....I was pretty down in my spirit last night and it was so good to just listen to him talk about his love for the Lord.......we are blessed to call him friend....his words meant a lot to the both of thank you Pastor have such a encouraging ministry...and always a

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #59

  Today has been a hard meltdown.....youngest son helped settle him down....he thought we were leaving today not on hard....I try to guide but things get taken different so easy....without me realizing there is an issue.....until it's a meltdown.........