
Showing posts with the label crazy

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #27

  Daughter came home with her two boys...she is such a help. We are working on some things to make life easier plus she is helping with important paperwork. I have found that I need lists.....lots of lists.....I don't know how most of you handled this but from what I read...lists are good. 1. list is for hubby's books....I found I have to have only one book out....I write the name of that book on the list and keep it to show hubby what book he is many books and he reads a page or two in several and thinks he has read all of them. 2. bathing....he thinks he has taken a bath an hour ago. When you say time to take a bath....we have issues. 3. changing clothes....when he takes a bath I sneak in and take his dirty clothes and leave his clean clothes....he can't tell the difference for some reason. 4. where things go........mercy....this drives me crazy.....I find things everywhere......and somethings I am still looking for. 5. learning to just go along.........when