Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

Today's post is not a happy one. But it is necessary for you who are also going through these crazy diseases. Hubby has been real tired not doing much just sleeping. I needed to go to the store and he was awake so I said "do you want to go with me". He says "yes". I run to the car and come back and he has my coat on. I said "take my coat off and here is your coat". This made him angry...real angry. He gets real mad. Jumps back and then gets right in my face and starts screaming. He can do what he wants to do...etc. He was red in the face and real scary to be honest. I of course am bull headed, and I stand my ground and said. "stop" he comes at me with his arm in the air ready to smack me. I then turn and walk out to the car. He comes out in his own coat and doesn't even remember the episode....he just says he is tired. Mercy...how does a person live like this?....daughter will be contacting the neurologist in the morning and letting her know and we will see what is to be done. I am just telling you as I know I have quite a few following me who are going through this. Don't' let the loved one get mean to you...but don't do as I did ...stand your ground ...it just makes them more upset....there are other ways to handle this. And always remember it's not their fault....these diseases are just cruel...


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