Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #97

 Well we had a great weekend trip to wallawa lake...hubby did good with the long trip over but the second day he slept all day....the third and fourth day's he did great....I didn't push him just let him enjoy the trip....kids and grandkids came over and we all had fun....we couldn't have campfires so daughter brought her propane firepit and it was great....this morning the wind came up fast and then the rain....I had the camper ready to go so we were prepared...trip home was stormy at first and then just cloudy.........got home and now resting up...tomorrow we will empty out maizy and get her ready for winter...no more trips out of town for us camping....we will just take her down to Hells gate in the spring...if we are both still here....before we left today Jerry Vantrease came over and prayed for us....we haven't seen him and Janette for over 3 years but when he came to camp we were family of God again....he blessed us so much with his prayer....and I got a large ice cream cone for Beverly Daniels....who went to hells gate for many years....we enjoyed camping with her...sad they had to move away but Bev the ice cream was great...mountain huckleberry...


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