Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #98


Tonight, I am a tired old lady. Been busy ...the trip to Wallowa was stressful. When we were at the lake, we enjoyed it and being around the campfire was great. But driving over and back was hard. Hubby has a hard time being in the car for many hours. Since we have been home he has slept a lot and his legs have been swelling again. He went to work with me today for half a day but slept in the car in the shade...so I brought him home and he went to bed.
He has been telling people that his body is just giving out on him. And it is. He went grocery shopping with me this evening and that was to much for him....he went to his chair and fell asleep again.
That is about how our days are going...he sleeps a lot and I try to keep things going around the home...cleaning camper and getting things ready for Fall. This marriage is a one-person marriage right now...but I am so glad...he is still here. We told Wallowa goodbye...and it was sad but alot of people we know didn't get that chance...they went to Heaven before they could get back. So I am trying so hard to count my blessings, work, pay bills, clean house and care for hubby in all the ways I can. Thank you to all who were praying for us...we love and appreciate all of you. Having you all for support is the best thing that could happen to us. We covet your prayers....night all. I am going to go to bed since hubby is already asleep


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