
Showing posts with the label good food

Fall and Old fashioned goodness

  Since the kids, grandkids are all going back to school and there is a chill in the air I begin to think about Fall.........Fall to me is a time to slow enjoy our homes....enjoy time with hubby and I get older we appreciate our home so much more..........little times..........where we just set...not talking just being together........hubby reading and me doing needlework.......I know this sounds old fashioned but we kinda are "old fashioned"..........we love times when one of our kids or grandkids take time to just come and set a few minutes and share their days and life with us....precious memories....its a time of "old fashioned goodness" . What is old fashioned Goodness?  ..............Faith in God,, .....wholesomeness,.... respect, ...kindness, ....graciousness, ...honor, .....manners, .....values,....morals,.... modesty.... hospitality, ...appreciation,.... good clean fun, traditions,.... Grandma’s old

Christmas day

Finally Christmas day is here....all the presents are ready and under the tree.  House is clean ...hubby reading the newspaper ….we got the ham in the oven getting all cooked.  There are 3 batches of candy made on the counter, gourmet caramel corn all bagged up.   Cherry pie cooling on the counter...couple salads in the refrigerator.  So I guess we are getting closer to being done.  We have 4 children and have been blessed to have them home most of the time for the holidays.  Oldest son lives 13 hours away so we don't see his family much any more.  Sure miss them.  Be sure to love and hug on the family members that want to be around.  Let them know how much you love and appreciate them.  Time goes so fast and then you look back and wonder.....what happened to when they were just learning to crawl or walk.  The excitement of them opening their gifts...they didn't care what was inside they just loved the opening of them and all the excitement....we have been so blessed.  Now we g