
Showing posts with the label schools

Fall and Old fashioned goodness

  Since the kids, grandkids are all going back to school and there is a chill in the air I begin to think about Fall.........Fall to me is a time to slow enjoy our homes....enjoy time with hubby and I get older we appreciate our home so much more..........little times..........where we just set...not talking just being together........hubby reading and me doing needlework.......I know this sounds old fashioned but we kinda are "old fashioned"..........we love times when one of our kids or grandkids take time to just come and set a few minutes and share their days and life with us....precious memories....its a time of "old fashioned goodness" . What is old fashioned Goodness?  ..............Faith in God,, .....wholesomeness,.... respect, ...kindness, ....graciousness, ...honor, .....manners, .....values,....morals,.... modesty.... hospitality, ...appreciation,.... good clean fun, traditions,.... Grandma’s old

Using Leftover Yarn to make hats to donate

Every year about this time daughter and I decide to take all our leftover yarn pieces and make up as many hats as we can.  We use a simple pattern but make different sizes and get them ready to donate.  We try to make at least 50 to give to a group that takes them to schools, missionaries or etc. We also make up 50 that we donate to hospitals to give to the newborn babies.  This year was a little stressful because we wanted to donate but so many rules out with the covid going on.  So we called around and asked each place what they would like us to do to prepare them for donation.  This is something we love to do.  Not trying to be something special just want to give and also make use of our yarn.