Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

 Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

Not sure where to start...hubby has been not feeling well the last few days....gets very upset easy....thinks I am being mean to him by not letting him go back to work driving truck....then he sleeps most of the day and awake all night...last night he was in bed out of bed walking around...back in bed ...back out of bed...no sleep for this girl....today he is not feeling well...eyes are glassy and his face is flushed....same meds....just this crazy disease...he can't even think about what needs done or not done....he gets more obsessed over little pieces of paper on the floor...drives me crazy...he will walk around and pick up tiny things on the floor but walks over the toys or clothes the grandkids drop......neurologist says it's normal for this stage but drives me crazy...he can't understand why he is not getting better and he feels so tired all the time....I don't know why he isn't getting better but I know when I broke both wrists at the same time...and I was laying in the gravel realizing my hands were broke the scripture that kept coming to me was "all things work together for good to them who are called by the Lord"...I still don't know why that happened to me but I just trust that the Lord knows what he is doing......so that is what I tell him......only God knows....we are to just trust.......he can't comprehend it...well I got him in the shower...and then I need to talk him into shaving....someday we will know the answers...the song goes "farther along we will know all about it...farther along we will understand why....thanks for listening..God bless..


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