
Showing posts with the label dementia journey

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  It's so crazy how our lives change...for 40+ years this time of year I am working on my vintage campers. I love getting it all dressed up and ready for the camping trips of the year. This year life has changed so much that I just look at things and walk on by. I would always think of a theme and then shop for items and work the insides of the camper over for that theme. Hubby has changed and I guess I have changed. For the good I am not sure. But I look at so many things with a different eye, now. Even plans for the backyard have changed. Maybe closer to Spring I will get my mojo back but for now. No interest....I do more wondering around in circles than getting things done. Well have a great day and try to smile and make someone else's day...God bless...

Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey

  We had a great Thanksgiving....was just hubby and I, son and his two kids.... a quiet nice dinner...then our other son and his family of 5 came over and we had desserts and played a card game. was a lot of fun.... new game and just relaxing...Hubby did not play just watched us all. Today hubby has been really tired and has a stiff neck and some pain. So, he was up for a little while and then went off to bed......he has been spending about half the day in bed lately. I have the grandkids today as son is working so we will play, eat and just watch TV. Both grandkids have head colds, so I am doctoring them and just relaxing. Been pretty tired today. ..hubby has been talking more about his diseases. We both know that time is limited but we are just going to keep on keeping on. Trying to count our blessings and enjoy each day we have. God bless and thanks again for following our journey.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #74

  We have the best kids....we are just home and son Jon calls and says we are coming with a surprise for you.....and I guess a puppy and said "Jon says no more dogs".....but Jon and Sue walk in with this brand new brown recliner lifter chair from the furniture store in Clarkston for reclines but also raises up for easy getting out of it....such a blessing as hubby is having issues today with his legs and back being stiff.....makes us want to cry we are so blessed....

Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey.#53

  .... we have been working hard on a small house...manual labor of was a long day...we worked hard. But it took a toll on hubby...I keep pushing. But time to back off....he physically and mentally can't do it any more.... he is done.... even to hard for him to go and watch.....makes me sad...tomorrow is our last day. The house will be.done.....but hubby will also be done. No more hurt...Nite all...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #10 Christian

People are so silly.......seriously....the questions they ask......and the answer is....... YES!!! You definitely can be a Christian and still get diseases like dementia or Parkinson........and no it's not because you did something terribly wrong to get it......mercy.   The Bible says ......."Matthew 5:45 "He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike." We are all human with human bodies, but doesn't matter to me what people think.......because we can say "It is well with our souls"  I don't get offended. H ubby is out raking the yard today.....I try to keep him busy and his body moving......yes he forgets, wanders, gets upset, confused, thinks we did things like go to Walmart 3-4 times a day etc.....but we got this.  I just am more observant of him and always what he is doing......we plan on many many more years and just being more careful of each other. But I will say....if your loved one seems to talk a lot and it drives you crazy....count your ...