Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #101
Today has started off....with me laughing, crying and walking away. First I find hubby standing in the kitchen holding a pair of pants. I say "What are you doing?" he says trying to find out how to get into these......so I get him in the bedroom find him pants...I walk away and finally go back to find him with all his pants out of the closet on the floor...."I say now what are you doing?"....he says trying to find the ones you want me to wear....mercy.........then he is calling for me in the kitchen....I find him at the coffee bar saying "where do I put the grounds"....he is trying to use the Keurig....."no Brent no coffee grounds you use a k cup:.........back to the socks........socks everywhere.....but he thinks not one of them is the right one.......he goes down to the laundry room......I say "brent you are not to do laundry any more....do not".........well....I go down as he is yelling up the stairs what is with all these clothes....I go down and the washing machine is almost empty clothes on the floor....half in the dryer...dryer door open with clothes on it.......and he can't figure out what to do with any of them......now....I am not complaining just letting you know how our day goes.....now he is asleep in his chair..........mercy.......well it's only 7.56 am.....surely the day is going to get better....

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