Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #93

 Getting everything ready to leave for wallawa on Thursday...hubby can't walk today...guessing it is from the ride home yesterday from Nampa...this weekend taking the dodge ram so he will have more room plus pulling Maizy Belle...so if he needs to rest he can and we will stop more often....I know most of you think I am crazy but we always go the long way to wallawa...we love the trip through all the farm land...and it's not so stressful as rattlesnake grade....this is our last time for this trip so going to make the most of it....meeting daughter and her family there so that will be fun....we always camp next to each other and since I am only 13 feet long we always turn my camper so our doors go out together and we just make the area between all ours....plenty of room if anyone wants to drive over to visit....making stew and homemade bread for dinner and working on the house...God bless and have a great Labor Day week........


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