Our LBD and Parkinson Disease journey

 Hubby hasn't been feeling well for several days....please say a little prayer for him......nothing serious just real real tired ...his face is flushed and he just wants to rest....we appreciate all of you and so glad we can come to you when we need an extra prayer sent our way....I have been carrying a lot on my heart and yesterday I was getting ready to make dinner...I reach down to get the air fryer...the cord stuck so I kneel down to get it...hitting my head on the cupboard so I fell backwards onto the floor with the air fryer...my foot catches the crock pot inside the shelf and it falls on my feet...so now I am laying on the floor with the air fryer and crock pot and my head bruised....mercy.....yes it was funny.......I agree...hubby slept on...glad I didn't wake him but also wishing he was there for me....life....not complaining just saying what is on my heart....God bless everyone....and thank you for listening...


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