
Showing posts with the label salvation army volunteer christmas christmas bell ringers shift

Early Christmas Prep

  December 7th...and since we all started so early on decorating and getting ready ...we are ready........I love starting my decorating early as I have been able to enjoy them and just relax.....Christmas cards are in the shopping is all done...neighbors gifts are ready to all I need to do is write out them menu and finish picking up what groceries will be needed for dinner.......this has let us be bell ringers, drive around and look at lights, be able to go to craft fairs and soon to Christmas programs without any this time of year.......and want to enjoy every little bit of everything....God bless and try to relax as the days draw closer to Christmas....enjoy the season and always look to the Lamb of God....he will give your rest, peace, comfort, joy, the days go by...

Volunteering for the Salvation Army as Bellringers

                                We have always wanted to volunteer for the Salvation Army during Christmas.  So we finally made all the right connections and got our stores assigned out to us.  We were so excited.  They give you a little bell to ring, a locked pail on a stand, aprons and told to go bring them in.  We tried to play jingle bells with our bells all we got was a lot of laughs.  It was so cold out we jumped to keep our feet warm and ran in circles.   People were all just great to us.  As they passed us by the ones we figured would surely leave a good donation would drop in a few change or a couple dollars, but the ones we figured had no money would pull out MONEY and drop it in.   Shows you can't tell a book by it's cover.  Our shift was to last 4 hours we were so proud of ourselves and all the ones who donated.  But then we found out most bell ringers do a 8 hours shift. We would recommend anyone doing this.  It does help out the church that is out to help others a