Been pretty stressed for a couple weeks now....not just hubby but something and someone we are really praying for....well today I needed to walk to get the jeep ..the studs were on and we needed to pick up the jeep...all the kids were busy so I told hubby just stay here and wait...I will come back...just give me 30 minutes....and so I took off is about a 2 mile walk....when I walk I talk to God and we work things's beautiful out and I am walking and crying...Lord...please help this situation out....then it comes to me ...this scripture "all things work together for good to them who are called by my name"....after this comes to me I say "Lord but don't' you understand the situation....and this was the scripture you gave me last time.....I need something like..."don't worry...everything will be ok"....or "just praise me the answer is on the way"....but no I get "all things work together for good to them who are called by my name" I walk faster....letting the wind blow my thoughts away........thinking...if I didn't know better I would think the Lord isn't listening to me...or my heart.....but I know better I get the jeep and start coming home....and it comes to me...."let me do my work"....ok Lord I am giving this problem to's yours....I will just be mom and wife and wait on you to work your plan....


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