Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #92

 Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

Having a good time at daughters we are going home in the morning...hubbies appointment went good...we love our neurologist...she understands everything we are facing.....she talks with us and helps us figure out how to handle situations....hubby's health is in decline...which we can see everyday....I hate taking meds but she feels that if she ups hubby's meds it will help him out....so I said yes....she is the doctor and I will respect her as such...I felt that she probably would do that so I was prepared .....we know what the end will be so we just try to make things the best we can for him....I always say only God knows our day and hour.....so we just keep on keeping on....she does not want hubby to get a wheel chair even though he walks very little any more...she wants us to keep him using what muscles he has left....so that ended that decision for me also....well going home in the morning....


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