
Showing posts with the label work

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey # 16 housework

Today in our journey....we always split the housework and home chores ever since we retired...worked out great for us. Today was hubbies turn to make oatmeal for breakfast....he goes into the kitchen and stands for about 10 minutes....comes out and says "I can't. I ask "why?" He says, "I don't remember how to do it." I didn't get upset. I just said "Well OK then, let's do it together"... You know sometimes we grumble and complain over the stupidest things...and yes I am a major one and then we see ones who can't remember. Brings me to my knees. Lord have mercy on me. To see and be thankful for the smallest of things, just saying.

Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey #13 working in yard

 Today we got up early and wanted to get out side and enjoy the day the sun is shining and it's 44 degrees.   We got to work on a couple projects and hubby was having a good day...with dementia it is a roller coaster....but this week has been good. So we were each working away and I would say to hubby "could you do this" or later I would say "Brent I need this" and just was focused on working.  When I noticed hubby was just standing there ....he comes over and says "what am I supposed to do"..."Where do I go"....then I realized I had been barking out things for him to caregivers we forget that without them having casts, or bandages or bleeding we forget there is a problem......we forget that they can't focus or remember.... Made me feel bad and I apologized....I slowed down and spoke slower....I gave only 1-2 tasks to do  and explained them as we went...I have to remember to be more careful....we decided that maybe I should wrap

Coming back to my blog

 So many things come into our lives and we often forget what we love to do.  Daughter and I started our journey with our Rustycupboard store because we were running out of room to store things.  We loved to shop and yard sale.  We would purchase items and bring them home and remake them or paint them and sell at our next yard sale for a profit.  This was working great for us until we had stacks of items waiting for the perfect time for a yard sale.  So we decided to sale on facebook and marketplace and get rid of a few things....... At the same time we were still working with our hands crocheting, knitting, sewing and filling tubberware containers waiting for a craft fair to come along.  In our town it is a waiting list to get into some of the big craft fairs and we just never seemed to make it.   Then daughter got married and eventually had two her hands began to get fuller.  I in otherwords was getting older and then fell and broke both wrists....selling on line got to whe