Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey


We had a great Thanksgiving....was just hubby and I, son and his two kids.... a quiet nice dinner...then our other son and his family of 5 came over and we had desserts and played a card game. was a lot of fun.... new game and just relaxing...Hubby did not play just watched us all.
Today hubby has been really tired and has a stiff neck and some pain. So, he was up for a little while and then went off to bed......he has been spending about half the day in bed lately.
I have the grandkids today as son is working so we will play, eat and just watch TV. Both grandkids have head colds, so I am doctoring them and just relaxing. Been pretty tired today.
..hubby has been talking more about his diseases. We both know that time is limited but we are just going to keep on keeping on. Trying to count our blessings and enjoy each day we have. God bless and thanks again for following our journey.


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