Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

 Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

Today hubby went to work with me...I was to scrap old paint off a wall of a house and prepare it so it could be painted again...we had to scrap and caulk all cracks. Hubby helped out as much as he could....got confused about tools....and directions but was a good help. As long as I kept the instructions one at a time. We worked hard and put in a long day. But got it all done. Tonight hubby went to bed early and was doing good until a few minutes ago when he woke up yelling and throwing his arms around. I finally got him awake and settled down and he said he was fighting a guy that was trying to hurt my foster mom (mom Carr)....weird which I haven't seen her in years....but hubby was fighting him in his dreams. Now he is sleeping sound. This disease is so weird...some days he is almost normal and others so confused. Almost like two people instead of one. I never know when or where he will be a mess....he got angry a few times today and yelled during the day but I got him settled down and we just went on with work. I need a magic pill of some kind. Something that will fix this permanently....but since there isn't such a thing I will just keep on trying and helping him....night all and thanks for listening.


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