
Showing posts with the label parkinson

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  It's so crazy how our lives change...for 40+ years this time of year I am working on my vintage campers. I love getting it all dressed up and ready for the camping trips of the year. This year life has changed so much that I just look at things and walk on by. I would always think of a theme and then shop for items and work the insides of the camper over for that theme. Hubby has changed and I guess I have changed. For the good I am not sure. But I look at so many things with a different eye, now. Even plans for the backyard have changed. Maybe closer to Spring I will get my mojo back but for now. No interest....I do more wondering around in circles than getting things done. Well have a great day and try to smile and make someone else's day...God bless...

Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey

  We had a great Thanksgiving....was just hubby and I, son and his two kids.... a quiet nice dinner...then our other son and his family of 5 came over and we had desserts and played a card game. was a lot of fun.... new game and just relaxing...Hubby did not play just watched us all. Today hubby has been really tired and has a stiff neck and some pain. So, he was up for a little while and then went off to bed......he has been spending about half the day in bed lately. I have the grandkids today as son is working so we will play, eat and just watch TV. Both grandkids have head colds, so I am doctoring them and just relaxing. Been pretty tired today. ..hubby has been talking more about his diseases. We both know that time is limited but we are just going to keep on keeping on. Trying to count our blessings and enjoy each day we have. God bless and thanks again for following our journey.

Our LBD and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Things were going where hubby just wanted to stay in bed for four days and nights. Pastor Phil came and prayed for him and he got up took garbage out and the next day he was up took a shower and was alert. This was good for a couple days. Then he has taken back to the bed. Today I went into the bedroom at 10:30 am and said "Brent you have to get up...he says "No I am going to rest". I said "no the doctor says you have to keep you have to get up and move around and keep your muscles working". It was hard but he got up took a shower and I have to sneak it to get the dirty clothes so he doesn't put them back on instead of the clean ones he takes into the we got him in clean clothes and then the battle of him brushing his teeth...he says "I did early this I say you were not finally I convinced him he had to brush his teeth.......finally got him into a chair...but not moving.......this is so hard...he j...

Our LBD and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse passed away from a terrible disease? Where do you go? What do you do? Where will you live? So many questions. They are on my mind all the time. Hubby is in a stage of Lewy Body Dementia....last night he had bad dreams and was yelling. I woke him up and he settled down...but I could not sleep....I tossed and turned until I finally got back up and walked the floor. I always walk when I am stressed, and I needed answers. I have children who are married with kids but what mother wants to make herself a burden to them and their families. I sure don't. But what lies ahead for me. I will take care of hubby as long as my body will hold out.... which if I have to crawl, I will be there for him. We are in this together. But for the future he cannot even think about it. The disease will not allow him to do so. He just looks at me and says, "I don't know but you will figur...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey Today hubby went to work with me...I was to scrap old paint off a wall of a house and prepare it so it could be painted again...we had to scrap and caulk all cracks. Hubby helped out as much as he confused about tools....and directions but was a good help. As long as I kept the instructions one at a time. We worked hard and put in a long day. But got it all done. Tonight hubby went to bed early and was doing good until a few minutes ago when he woke up yelling and throwing his arms around. I finally got him awake and settled down and he said he was fighting a guy that was trying to hurt my foster mom (mom Carr)....weird which I haven't seen her in years....but hubby was fighting him in his dreams. Now he is sleeping sound. This disease is so weird...some days he is almost normal and others so confused. Almost like two people instead of one. I never know when or where he will be a mess....he got angry a fe...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #74

  We have the best kids....we are just home and son Jon calls and says we are coming with a surprise for you.....and I guess a puppy and said "Jon says no more dogs".....but Jon and Sue walk in with this brand new brown recliner lifter chair from the furniture store in Clarkston for reclines but also raises up for easy getting out of it....such a blessing as hubby is having issues today with his legs and back being stiff.....makes us want to cry we are so blessed....

Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey.#53

  .... we have been working hard on a small house...manual labor of was a long day...we worked hard. But it took a toll on hubby...I keep pushing. But time to back off....he physically and mentally can't do it any more.... he is done.... even to hard for him to go and watch.....makes me sad...tomorrow is our last day. The house will be.done.....but hubby will also be done. No more hurt...Nite all...

Our Lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey #54

  Before I leave for work I wanted to let you all know the funny side of this disease...they warned me that hubby will start to collect things....and to watch what he collects some could harm him....well my hubby ...has now put 16 bottles of shampoo and creme rinse in the bath/shower...3 around the toilet and 4 on the counter by the sink....I ask him why....he says..."he has no idea"...I say where did you find all of these ...he says "no idea"............I have purchased them with coupons and put into the pantry...and yes I know they have expiration dates ...I am on top of this.....and now he has to have every door in the house closed....EVERY DOOR....this drives me crazy...and he has no idea why.......but he closes them and I open them....we are a mess here...........dishes are everywhere in the house as I still try to let him put the clean dishes away.....always a hunt....but we are doing good....enjoying a few good laughs....have a great day everyone and love on ...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #28

We are so happy to report that things are going pretty good for us. Nothing new or different has been going on. Hubby mowed the lawn today...he forgets some, when mowing he misses a lot and I help him out...but nothing crazy....we are just getting things ready for Easter and plan on enjoying the holiday....daughter was home for the weekend and she got hubby to tell her stories about his semi truck driving time and hubby did pretty good. Daughter is taking these posts and making them into a book for the grandkids to have when they get a little older to remember our journey....hubby thought that was pretty cool. Thank you for all your prayers we feel them daily. God bless and thank you for being with us in our journey.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #27

  Daughter came home with her two boys...she is such a help. We are working on some things to make life easier plus she is helping with important paperwork. I have found that I need lists.....lots of lists.....I don't know how most of you handled this but from what I read...lists are good. 1. list is for hubby's books....I found I have to have only one book out....I write the name of that book on the list and keep it to show hubby what book he is many books and he reads a page or two in several and thinks he has read all of them. 2. bathing....he thinks he has taken a bath an hour ago. When you say time to take a bath....we have issues. 3. changing clothes....when he takes a bath I sneak in and take his dirty clothes and leave his clean clothes....he can't tell the difference for some reason. 4. where things go........mercy....this drives me crazy.....I find things everywhere......and somethings I am still looking for. 5. learning to just go along.........when...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey #24

 Today I did something real stupid.....son Jeremy came up and we were moving vehicles around in the driveway so I can move our vintage camper out...Son was moving his PT cruiser so hubby asked if he could move the pickup.   It had to be moved for Jeremy to get out.  To move hubby had to back out into the street and into the neighbor's driveway. Which he has done millions of times. He backed up ok and then decided to pull up along the highway and that's when he hit the round a bout sign and kept going.  The sign is fine no damage but it scrapped all down the side of the pickup and left it's mark. I told him to let me drive and that was when I noticed hubby wasn't doing good.  He was upset because he can't drive any more but had been told by 3 doctors not to drive but for some reason today it came home to him to realize it.   He got so depressed and thought it was all my fault.....he has driven for 35 years semi-trucks all over the United States. an...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #10 Christian

People are so silly.......seriously....the questions they ask......and the answer is....... YES!!! You definitely can be a Christian and still get diseases like dementia or Parkinson........and no it's not because you did something terribly wrong to get it......mercy.   The Bible says ......."Matthew 5:45 "He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike." We are all human with human bodies, but doesn't matter to me what people think.......because we can say "It is well with our souls"  I don't get offended. H ubby is out raking the yard today.....I try to keep him busy and his body moving......yes he forgets, wanders, gets upset, confused, thinks we did things like go to Walmart 3-4 times a day etc.....but we got this.  I just am more observant of him and always what he is doing......we plan on many many more years and just being more careful of each other. But I will say....if your loved one seems to talk a lot and it drives you crazy....count your ...

Our Lewy Body dementia and parkinson disease journey #22 house

 We are on this journey and it seems to be a whole lot involved with it.  Decisions that a person must stop and face.  One is on my mind today and that is ......our home.  When we purchased this home 21 years ago we were thinking about living in it for about 5-8 years and then selling.  But it became home.  So we have stayed.   Now, that we are dealing this these diseases it's time to take another look at our home.  It is two levels, so stairs....and it also has a drop down extra living room with 3 steps down and on the other side a two step up to kitchen.  Now with hubby starting to have walking and standing issues...and dizzy problems.  Time to rethink.. Of course I think it's no problem for me...I got this but the laundry room is in the basement with two more bedrooms, family room and pantry.  So I go up and down these stairs all day long.  And I am getting older so decisions. Do we sell? we stay put until things...

Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey #23 parents


Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #3 offended

  Ok's where I ask you for your may see us out at the store or church...please understand we are in a that we have no control over...we may be walking kinda hunched over or parts of our body shaking... If you talk to hubby he will smile a goofy smile and laugh, but most of the time he only gets about half of what you are saying...he may not know your name but he will still know he knows you....its a stage he is in...please DO NOT get offended... Please don't think less of us....hubby has no control if he says something stupid to you...please tell me if you are offended and I will try to make it right....he isn't out to hurt your feelings....just remember he is in a declining stage....but he is doing good... Now sometimes he will be just think nothing is wrong...and then....Parkinson's is also taking a toll as his eyes twitch and his hands shake....but all is well...we got this ... We just don't want to hurt any of our...

Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease Journey #7 praying

Thank you all for your prayers this last can really tell the difference when people are praying. Life has been good this week....hubby has been real, real tired but has been in the moment....his body is drained, but his spirits are great.....this week the confusion has not been as bad....we have had fun just doing goofy things but being able to do them. So I will count my blessings when I get them......hubby is still not on any meds other than his blood pressure.... We hope to stay this way as long as possible,  but with Lewy Body Dementia ...issues will come and go as the journey goes taking this last week as a blessing....... Again we thank each one of you...don't ever think your prayers don't matter ...they tremulously do.....and the one you are praying for can definitely feel the difference. God bless and enjoy your day.......We couldn't do this journey without all your help...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson journey # 14 groups

  You know when a disease or illness comes your are really encouraged to join groups...people who are going through the same issues as you....then you are told you will have to eventually fit the are no longer called are now are told the best things to do is learn to lie, lie, will keep your hubby from getting more are told certain words not to use such as "do you remember"..."stop don't do that" etc.......I struggle....I guess they know what they are doing but....hubby and I are different...when there is an issue ..we talk and then we's different when you both know the Lord...even in issues hubby will eventually turn back to what the Bible I will watch the videos, take the lessons on being a caregiver....etc...but in the long run....we will find what works for us...and for us....we believe the hand of the Lord is in this and will help take us through...yes, w...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey #5 funny things

Now for the funny side of things....hubby comes in and says we have a real big problem....I'm thinking oh boy what now.... He says real all my life this has never happened....he is standing there holding a roll of toilet serious he says ...this roll is to big...I say what ....he looks like he is going to cry... Yep he says it's to big for the toilet paper holder....all I could do is laugh....he says now what do I do...... Life at the Hoyt house is never boring!!!

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey # 16 housework

Today in our journey....we always split the housework and home chores ever since we retired...worked out great for us. Today was hubbies turn to make oatmeal for breakfast....he goes into the kitchen and stands for about 10 minutes....comes out and says "I can't. I ask "why?" He says, "I don't remember how to do it." I didn't get upset. I just said "Well OK then, let's do it together"... You know sometimes we grumble and complain over the stupidest things...and yes I am a major one and then we see ones who can't remember. Brings me to my knees. Lord have mercy on me. To see and be thankful for the smallest of things, just saying.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey # 17 old blue

  Another day another problem solved....Hubby has a problem with comes and goes pretty he doesn't like to walk today I take him to walk Walmart and it is only about 15 minutes and he wants to go to the I say ok let's walk a thrift store ...easy in easy out.... we get there and he gets real dizzy....I turn around and there sets this ...I don't' know what it is called...but hubby set down in it....and we bought it....hubby calls it his "new vehicle" and he loves now instead of going home we are going for a walk at Hells gate and a picnic....hey....we got to do what we got to do....and yes we called the neurologist and she says it's just part of the package we are facing....well we are dealing with it this way...have a great day's beautiful out there....(oh we named it "old blue")