Our LBD and Parkinson Disease JOurney

 I have found the hard way that there are two kinds of shopping trips. One is major business-like.... certain groceries, certain errands etc. that I must do alone. Because......I have found I have my list and I am focused in on what I am doing and then hubby.....no matter who is around or where we are decided to yell or talk real loud and say..."we have to go home right now"...well, what ever you do ..DO NOT ASK WHY.....because he then proceeds to yell or talk back real loud.... because I have to go P

💩💩💩 Mercy.....and he doesn't think there is anything wrong. People stop and stare and you want to crawl under the table.... it's a lot different having a 5-year-old say it than a 73-year-old...or he gets in the isle and stands there and won't move and people are trying to get around him and he gets angry with the people. So what you do is make certain shopping trips all about him. Then you are prepared to act fast and be ready for anything. Lists are for when shopping alone...just saying ...been there and not good. Just more to learn in this crazy LBD journey.


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