
Showing posts with the label hernia

Our journey with Lewy Body dementia and parkinson disease #1 beginning

 Late in the year of 2023 my hubby started loosing a lot of weight for no reason just not hungry.  Once in a while he complained that his stomach was hurting.  So we scheduled doctor appointments ....doctors checked him out, ran blood work, scans, MRI's, etc....and every test came back nothing was wrong.  He was fine.  So we would leave and I would notice things...something just wasn't right.  Also, son kept noticing that his Dad's hand would shake sometimes....then his eye began to I took him to the eye doctor and he was fine.  Again more MRI's and nothing wrong.  The eye kept twitching and the hand kept shaking. Our primary doctor said "Well, we can send him through a bunch of tests, but the out come will be the same".  Nothing we can do.  I wanted answers. So, a few months later in about November hubby almost collapsed at Walmart while walking.  He was sick.  I brought him home and he went into the bathroom and immediately came out and said &qu