
Showing posts with the label yard

Our Lewy Body dementia and parkinson disease journey #22 house

 We are on this journey and it seems to be a whole lot involved with it.  Decisions that a person must stop and face.  One is on my mind today and that is ......our home.  When we purchased this home 21 years ago we were thinking about living in it for about 5-8 years and then selling.  But it became home.  So we have stayed.   Now, that we are dealing this these diseases it's time to take another look at our home.  It is two levels, so stairs....and it also has a drop down extra living room with 3 steps down and on the other side a two step up to kitchen.  Now with hubby starting to have walking and standing issues...and dizzy problems.  Time to rethink.. Of course I think it's no problem for me...I got this but the laundry room is in the basement with two more bedrooms, family room and pantry.  So I go up and down these stairs all day long.  And I am getting older so decisions. Do we sell? we stay put until things get real bad?  do we let the kids just take over?.....d

Removing and replacing our old pathway

 We moved into our home about 15 years ago at that time we decided to place a walkway down through the yard to a firepit.  Our family loves to sit around the backyard fire and roast hotdogs and marshmallows.  We haven't done much to the walkway except spray it once in a while with weed kill but today we decided it was time to remove and repair.  So we began to dig out the was amazing how some were buried and some were broken.  They all were beginning to sink down deeper and deeper. There was a lot of moss that had even grown over the top of them.  But hubby and I worked together and got them all dug up.  The pathway went from the deck to the firepit ring.  All of these bricks have been recycled we would watch for free ones.  Sometimes just driving down the road there would be bricks with a sign take all you want.  So some of these bricks have different says on them.  We also enjoy using our dutch ovens.  So son showed us how to maybe add a dutch oven are

Vintage lantern made electric

  Won't be long and hubby will be going to work in the hay fields again....which he can't wait we are just finishing a few more projects....gotta keep the man working....anyway I finally found what I wanted to do with a very very old has been hanging on the patio for about 10 years....oldest son Jason disconnected it last time he was home because he said it was dangerous....someone had made it electric years and years old cracked wiring.....I just thought it was a good place for it until I decided what I wanted to do with it...several electricians tried to talk me out of it....but no not me ...when I like something I like today hubby took it down and I will clean it up and rewire it with a smaller bulb and it will have a new home in Maizy Bell

Flowers are all In Bloom

 Some of my flowers in my yard.... Love the colors..