
 Jesus offers us living water through His Word..... and His Spirit.... it is up to us to go to the well ......and drink of the water. ....a old saying goes that you can lead a horse to water,..... but you cannot force it to drink........ The same is true for a person’s spiritual walk..... even with others encouragement,..... it is still up to the one who thirsts to drink from what God offers...... As believers, we must continue to remain in relationship with God through prayer...., Scripture...., worship..... service,.... and fellowship with other Christians.....if we don't matter how old you are in the ways of the will become dehydrated will feel weak...down....unhappy....almost rise up people...feast at the table God's word....drink of the spirit....go to church ...find someone to pray with....time is getting short and we need all the workers we can get out there...we need each of you strong and ready for fight.....God bless


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