Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson journey # 14 groups

 You know when a disease or illness comes your way....you are really encouraged to join groups...people who are going through the same issues as you....then you are told you will have to eventually fit the mold....you are no longer called wife...you are now caregiver...you are told the best things to do is learn to lie, lie, lie...it will keep your hubby from getting more confused...you are told certain words not to use such as "do you remember"..."stop don't do that" etc.......I struggle....I guess they know what they are doing but....hubby and I are different...when there is an issue ..we talk and then we pray....it's different when you both know the Lord...even in issues hubby will eventually turn back to what the Bible says........so I will watch the videos, take the lessons on being a caregiver....etc...but in the long run....we will find what works for us...and for us....we believe the hand of the Lord is in this and will help take us through...yes, we will get stressed, upset, discouraged...but in the end....when we Kneel to pray...we find peace....peace knowing that He holds us.....it is now 3:07 AM I have not slept all night...soul searching, walking, praying, the calm of the night is surrounding me....I find comfort and peace in the quiet....just Jesus and me...


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