Our LBD and P disease journey #29


I guess I need to just count my blessings when I can get 3-4 days of somewhat normal life....today I am discouraged. Been a hard day.....hubby slept good last night I didn't...I had a lot of things to think about and was trying to figure out some answers.....didn't work ...no real answers anyway.........

Today hubby has been having anger problems.....youngest son Jeremy was here today visiting. We were all setting and talking when hubby starts turning purple and then begins to cry....and cry and then yell....he was mad that no one listened to him....we ask what are you talking about and he says he can't remember but it was a while ago....then he gets mouthy and mad. Son Jeremy says "dad just relax and tell us what you want to say".....he says nothing and relaxes.

So son and I start talking again ...we are still in the same room....when it begins all over again....cry, yelling and anger....son says "dad stop and tell us what you need or want".....then hubby begins to say it is all my fault...and starts complaining about something I did or didn't do.....and just goes off..........not true but we let him talk.....and then he settles down again and relaxes....

This has been the day......finally son gets hubby settled down and hubby begins to read the newspaper and it is all over.....

Son had to leave and go home and hubby is fine and it's been several hours now......my nerves are shot....I want to cry and try to fix this crazy stuff.... hubby probably won't talk the rest of the evening so it's all calm and quiet now.....

Sorry to unload but this is life now....if you have time remember to keep us in your prayers....I know I ask you all a lot and I am so very sorry....this is all a new life for me....never dreamed I would be going through this craziness....but here I am....hope to sleep tonight so take care friends and thanks for listening...please don't think hubby is a bad person...He is not.......he is just mixed up right now with this disease taking control....night


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