Our lewy body dementia and parkinson disease journey #21 deleted

 Our Lewy Body Journey....today I have been sad....I lost a couple friends on Facebook due to me going through this journey and them not wanting to know about it.....yes I understand...Facebook should always be happy, fake, nonsense...but sorry that is not me....I am what I am....and if you feel you need to delete me...I understand...it makes me sad but I have to be real....and right now this is my life our chapter...our journey....I have tried to study and do all the research I can on the topic....and I still don't understand how one day things are normal and the next day ...you can wake up and the confusion goes on all day.....what changes your diet, your sleep, your attitude, not feeling well.....so far no answers....so on these days we just lay low and try to keep things calm and natural...and I will keep trying to find the answers I need....God bless all you family and friends who have stayed with us on this journey...praying for us and being there for us....I will try to be better at keeping things light....but my life is this way now....and I am in this until the end.....so have a great evening...take care we love all of you even if you delete us....God bless.


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