Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey # 2 diseases

 Many of you have been asking ...what were the answers....I will be honest with you, but if you have negative things to say please just move on and don't leave them.

Our family has been guessing on a couple problems we thought was wrong with hubby.....but of course it was guesses. We met with the best neurologist ever....very sweet, very knowledgeable, treated us with respect and was so good to hubby.  We were told hubby has Lewy body dementia and Parkinson disease.......he has both.....to medicate one makes the other one go crazy. Plus hubby's surgery for his hernia caused them both to decline.

We were given 3 options.....one surgery on his brain to try to slow the process, 2 injections in his eyes and 3 certain types of meds. Now don't go crazy, but we opted out of all of the above.....his prognosis is already declining......so why do something to make it worse when trying to make it better so we are waiting for 4 months when we will return to the neurologist and decide then what our next steps are.  Also, hubby has other issues that will be taken care of at Kootenai.

His diseases have stages.....stages with issues......we are in the stages......and results are coming. When I went to bed last night the Lord brought me to the red sea....before me the water needed to part...so I could walk on dry ground.....but if you remember Moses had to obey God to save the people......I am standing before God asking him to show me the way.....show me how to part the red sea.

Now before you all ask questions, hubby does not even remember most of the appointment.....daughter was there to help me remember what was said so she can fill in more info.....we are looking at end results but in my heart...God knows the day and hour for all of us......only God can make the decision when our time is up.

So we trust and obey...now most of you have been following this chapter in our life...we are not any different than most of you...we all have our battles....I am just the kind that is open and honest with everything...hope some of what we are going through helps someone out there to face their problems....we can do this with the help of our Loving God.........


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