Our Lewy Body dementia and parkinson disease journey #4 answers

 Some have asked and I do thank the Lord for all the years of me searching for answers...but not finding them........I knew things were wrong....I knew they were not finding the answers.

But now I believe the Lord just had them hid from me for a reason......because we went through a lot of stages and did not even know we were.....so a lot of the beginning stages of these diseases we already passed through...sometimes it is best not to know........now we know and I believe it is the right timing......

Now we can prepare and we know what we are facing.....this is our journey and I believe the Lord has each one of our steps ordered....yes it gets hard...but when is life not hard.........yes we shed tears at times.......but then we remember we are still here.......breathing......we still have each other.

We remember nothing is to hard for God....neither of our lives have been easy and we made it this far....we got this......just have to take walks and breathe and say a prayer once in a while......God bless. 

Enjoy your day ...I know we will.


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