Our lewy body dementa and parkinson disease journey #19 bad nights

 I had a couple of you ask what happens when hubby has a bad night....I will try to explain but I am no authority or had any training...I am just a wife trying to figure all of this out...but if this helps I will let you know what it is like at our house....dementia is different in everyone....so this is us....hubby has good days and bad days...his bad night usually go for about 2-3 days and nights and then he is back to being "good ole hubby"....but the bad nights he tends to have crazy dreams and in these dreams he is usually fighting someone or something....he actually fights the air punching, yelling, moaning, kicking....I can wake him up and get him up to walk around and a drink of water and go back to bed....he will have another dream....this will happen 3-4 times during the night....next day he is exhausted and doesn't want to do anything and then a repeat the next night....this happens like I said 2-3 nights in a row and then he will be brent for a few days...at these times I am usually awake all night to keep and eye on him....but we get through it and move on....today is a great day the sun is shining we went for a drive....now home for lunch and enjoy the sunshine...take care friends and hope this helps some of you God bless...


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