Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #15 confused

Some are asking how we are doing in our chapter....its hard to keep you updated on hubby...some of you are facing the same things we are. We are in the stage where if I tell hubby we are going to town to Winco for groceries, he believes we have already gone.  If he thinks it ...then it has already happened.  He will say "Why? We just got back. We don't need to go again." 

I will say "No, we are going now, we haven't gone for days." This causes him to be a little agitated....not upset just confused.  This is a stage and is part of the disease that we have to deal with. If you are seeing this in your loved one, then we are in this together.  So many different emotions. Little by little hubby is changing....little by little life is getting different....

Some things he just doesn't understand, but we pray together and we trust together.  Our kids are great supporters....we will just keep going on.  Today he has been having pain in his leg below where the hernia surgery was so he hasn't been feeling good. Not sick just aching pain.  Life is going on and we will just face each day for what the Lord has for us, but tonight I am tired.

Good night friends.


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