Our lewy Body dementia and parkinson journey #25

 Today is a beautiful sunny Spring day...sky is blue weather is great....hubby decides he is restless but his muscles and back are hurting.....so he wants to go for a walk.  He decides he doesn't want to take old blue his walker so I take a walking stick.

We are off arm in arm walking.... me with a walking stick....we have three cars at the round a bout stopping and waving at us.  Friendly people out today.

As we walk hubby says "what are you going to do if my legs give out and I fall and can't get up.  I say "well I guess I will have to reach down and carry you"....we laugh...and say "well when one falls down the other will be there to pick them back up...we talk about memories we have made.  Hubby talks about his days being numbered....he knows his disease is there....we talk about things we will be facing....and we agree to make as many memories as we can as the summer goes on.  To us it doesn't have to be expensive trips....expensive traveling....it's about where we are making the most of it....seeing and being with our family and grandkids...moments....life....journeys...our ups and downs.

As we walk talking we pass others who smile and say "have a good walk a great day out " and we smile and say the same....cars pass waving and smiling....what more could we ask for....

Hubby starts to slow down and walk with stiff joints....so I ask can you make it back home...."well he says maybe next time we bring the old blue walker so I can set down for a while.....but he keeps walking and we return home arm in arm.

We get to the house and hubby says lets just set on the patio and watch cars go by...we see a couple boys with basketballs heading to the school....our boys always played basketball on the sunny afternoons....

Memories ...cherish them...make them...don't let moments go by....we never know  our days...I posted a funny thing about tomorrow is not promised call your siblings and tell them they're ugly and adopted...the point is call them...make memories...God bless...


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