Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #79


Today it's hot and I am home so staying in the AC home....cleaning and getting caught up on housework. I go to our room to change sheets and pick up and I find a pair of matching socks laying neatly on the floor side by side next to hubby's dresser. Why??? I grab them and toss in the laundry. I then go to the guest room to clean there I find next to the bed a pair of socks on the floor neatly placed side by side. So I grab them and think what??? Been married to this man for over 50 years this has not been one of his problems....another pair in by his chair...another pair next to the couch. So I finally go ask him...."he has no idea and doesn't remember putting them there".....what would make him obsessed with socks.....mercy.....6 pairs all laid out and ready I guess........


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