Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #90


Well, it's been one year today...that hubby collapsed at Walmart. Yes, he had issues before this and doctor after doctor could not figure out what was wrong. was so stressful...than he just collapsed at Walmart and fell over on the cart in pain.
We found out he had a large hernia extending out on his side...so then doctor after doctor until a surgeon could get him into surgery. Three emergency room trips with it coming out and each time getting bigger.
But this brought about more symptoms on the other things that were going wrong. So, they finally sent us to Meridian and the neurologist knew exactly what we were facing. I have to say she was right as things have gone downhill pretty fast since that day. We are still seeing four different doctors and each one just shake their heads as they know our days are limited and there is nothing to change the course of these diseases...
Yes, I know we are to rely on the reports of the Lord and not the report of man. But we are all human...and when it hits right home it is HARD.
As hubby is 73 years old and now he is about a child the age of maybe 6 years old. So not his fault and he talks about how the Lord is getting him ready to go home. Yes, we believe in Heaven and what a day of rejoicing that will be. But here on earth it is also hard. Hard for me and hard for him. Be strong they tell me. the worse is yet to come. I pray each day Lord please don't let him suffer. Please help us to accept what is to come but also give us grace, integrity, strengh to make it through. Help him to be ready, but not have to suffer....and me to be strong...to say "your will be done".....


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