Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #46

 Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #46The last few days I have been so stressed. But mostly it is my own fault. As I begin to see my hubby suffer with more pain it drives me crazy and I want a solution and answers. I have never been a patient person and now I am totally not patient.

Hubby has had leg problems for about 3 weeks but all of a sudden the leg begins to swell and get hot. So what do I do I go into panic mode. Fix this and do it fast is my idea. Well we went to the urgent care and the place was nice and clean, receptionist were great....we get called back into the room and this elderly nurse practitioner comes in. Hubby and I are setting beside each other on chairs and the NP walks in over to the bed with paper and leans down over it and places her hands on it to support herself...I almost jumped up to see if see was needing help.
Hubbies test came back all clear except he was low on vitamin D...and I got upset no something is wrong. So I go into panic mode contacting our other doctors. Then we get a call from a doctor and hubby has arthritis and swelling in his leg. He called in a prescription. As this disease progresses his joints will become rigid. Slowly he will become in a wheel chair. This is just a process a stage....one I hate and try so hard to fix.
So today we went out for a while hubby took old blue (his rollator) and tried to walk...but we came back home.
This disease tries real hard to control our lives....I am trying real hard to fight it and getting no where. Then I have to realize I need to fall on my knees and just talk to the Lord about all of this....it's the only way I get rid of stress....
But while we were out hubby wanted to put the gas in....so hanging onto the car he gets over to the pump. He starts putting the gas in and I start doing something in the car...next thing I know hubby is yelling "oh no' oh no...and yes....he over filled the tank and gas was spilling onto the ground. I got it under control and went in and told the people what happened...they were so nice and said they would handle it. No more putting gas in for hubby....He almost cried...so many things being taken away.
Thank you for listening and we are good...just a crazy chapter we are in and I am learning so much about who I really am in all of this. God bless....


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