Our LBD and P disease journey #40

 Our LBD and P disease journey #40

There's a very old song that goes "you can't see the sun with your head to the ground...tears will dim your vison and wear your heart down...but I found the answer when I learned to pray...I just lift up my head and he lifts up my heart and my burdens just all roll away"....thank God for some of the old songs.......I woke up singing this....yes we hear the doctors reports....and it takes me time to process what all is said...that is why I always take others with us...so they hear and understand it all also....but I have worked it out with the Lord and I am going back to my first journey......which we started last year..."MAKING MEMORIES"...we can't change things...we have to roll with them...hubby started his new meds last night and it will take several days so see...supposed to help with pain in his legs....night sleeping which he doesn't do much and weird dreams and acting them out.......we will see......his type of LBD tends to get aggressive and abusive toward the end...I was told what to do and how to deescalate the situation it if it happens...never seen this in hubby so will keep a watch....but for now we choose to go on and just be us....roll with the punches and make memories....life is to short to be depressed and down....


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