Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #42

 Our LBD and P disease journey #42

Update......it has been 7 days since hubby started his new meds....mercy....sure wish someone had put him on this a year ago...it almost brings back the old brent.....no melt downs....no major confusion....no meanness.....now he still has the shakes from the Parkinson....still can only follow one direction at a time....but he is sleeping more....going from getting up 8-10 times per night to 2-3 times......no yelling or fighting his dreams.....one little tiny small pill....goodness...he stil has pain in his legs and low back....still real tired....but we go to another doctor in June so will see if he can take care of that.....but for now I will take this.....I feel I have a little bit of life back.....not so stressful for me.....for Mother's day I will take the calmness...the peace back in my home....he doesn't have to get me a gift....just be himself and I am fine.....thankful for all your prayers....without God we would be nothing....God bless all of you and have a wonderful blessed Mother's day weekend....I know we are blessed....


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