Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #52


This has been a fun 4 days with our daughter and son in law coming home. We got to get together as a family and enjoy our grandson's birthday. I was a little worried about hubby going and being around everyone and still keeping it together. But he actually did pretty good other than getting mad a few times and being mean.
Then the family wanted to go to Fazzari's pizza. I didn't think it would be a good idea for him but we went. Things went ok.
Our son in laws father came to town so he wanted to meet for dinner at Fazzari's 2 nights later. Hubby was fine and then...........pride........mercy.........I took hubby's and my water glass and moved them to the side of my plate. This made hubby mad and he began..."why are you taking my water" can't I even have water" really loud....Nate tries to explain to hubby that there was another glass of water in front of him.....more confusion..........more getting mad....more of hubbies madness ..and then my pride kicks in......I am embarrassed...........He finally settles down and I want to climb under the table.......I will never get used to this crazy life........


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