Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey 2025 #1
We have started a new year and to be honest I am just a little worried about it. I can see the future and it scares me. Lately hubby is been good...just changing. He follows me from room to room like a shadow. And to be honest drives me crazy but I let him. He doesn't ever say he is hungry but if I go to the kitchen and get a Keurig he wants one. If I get a bowl of cereal he wants one. Everything I get he wants and yes I fix him meals. But with my stomach problems I don't eat what he needs but he still wants what I do and eat. He no longer can get the grandkids juice or milk out of the refrigerator. He is limited on more things every week. He sleeps good no nightmares or weird dreams. No screaming or yelling as his meds are controlling that. We were at our youngest son's house in Asotin and I asked hubby to take garbage to the dumpster and it was dark and he got lost. I finally found him but he can no longer take garbage out. He is getting harder and harder to talk to so most of the time. I try to talk but he gets real confused as he can't process what it is all meaning. He is getting to where he does not stand up straight even if I try to get him to. He shuffles his feet more when walking...he sleeps quite a bit....and having more problems trying to eat. But the good news is he is still here. And some days he can visit...our 8 year old grandson sets and talks to his grandpa for a long time. He just talks and talks and grandpa just smiles. Gabe enjoys visitng with grandpa....well we will see what the Lord has in store for us this coming year. He holds us in his hands and we will just follow his leading.
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