Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

 Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

We live in such a crazy world. A world where most all of us are suffering in one way or another. Always something coming our way. No one is immune to it. It's life. But we pick up our selves and become an adult about it and move on. We find joy or happiness in one way or another and go on with life. Ones who have dementia....can't do this...they are slowly loosing their ability to figure things out and move on over the top of the situation. Hubby was setting yesterday with swollen leg, ankle and foot reading his Bible and he looks at me and says "ones like me going through disease needs HOPE".....HOPE...a life line to something better....never take HOPE from someone....words hurt, actions hurt but what do we do....we lay it at the feet of Jesus and then we move on. Hubby just wants to have HOPE....that he can still have a future even though he comments "my body is giving out". Stand strong people....if you have loved ones going through this....please keep giving them HOPE....pray with them and love them....no one knows how long they will be with us and trying for all they can to just be normal and loved. God bless....we love and appreciate all of you...


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