Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey
We are off on a roll....kinda driving me crazy and it's only 7:45 am....it's garbage day for us here today so we have to take our garbage bin to the side of the road. This has always been hubbies' job so I wake him up and say "don't forget the garbage man is coming today". He says "ok". I go get the house ready for the grandkids to come for homeschool. I look out the window and just have to laugh....poor hubby got confused and out along the main road is my kitchen garbage can and the bathroom wastebasket ...just setting along the road. I say "Brent no you have to take the garbage cart out the one that is outside and put it along the road:. mercy....so grandson asks hubby could I have pancakes.....I go into the kitchen and hubby who is never to use the microwave had put 3 pancakes into it and put them on for 4 minutes.....they were burned black and the plate was so hot.....this man keeps me on my toes....ready to jump ....watching at all times as if I am watching a two year old.....but it keeps life interesting...so we will still have a good day.
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