Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey

 Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey

They tell me it's because of a full moon. I don't know anything about the moon. But my hubby of 73 with LBD and Parkinson has been in some bad moods the last couple days. He wears a earing aid in one ear. he has always been able to change the battery but yesterday he put the battery in backwards and forced it closed and so it did not work he got angry and I had to take it to the clinic to get it fixed. Today he was shaving with straight razors cutting his face up...I said no use the electric razor and he got angry pulled his arm back like he was going to hit me. Yelling he will do what he wants. He broke down and cried yesterday because he said no one would listen to him. Not sure what that was about. Life has been hard the last week. And yes he is taking his meds but ...mercy...today we lost a friend and he has been crying and crying...sometimes this life is just a crazy hard mess...just saying..thank you for listening and if it's the moon...please moon just go away....


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