Our LBD and P disease journey

 Do you ever get to a place in your life where you feel you are in limbo? Orders for our shop are filled ....no longer working for son in construction, no longer working retail, holidays are over, housework is all caught up, decorations are all down, not planning many camping trips this summer, due to hubby's medical problems and appointments, sons apartment is now in order, I plan school lessons and research all I need for homeschooling two grandkids, and we do homeschool each day. But the rest of the time I am in limbo...like I am waiting...for what?.... not sure. Today hubby and grandkids were all asleep and I wondered around and around the house. Restless.....nothing seems interesting...so I grabbed a book and set and read the whole thing.... somethings a stir within me but not sure just what.....Hubby has been really tired...not hurting...just not wanting to read, watch TV or anything...just sleep or stare at nothing....2025 what do you have in store for us?....actually I really don't want to know until I have to face it at the time....have a great day friends and thank you for listening.


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