
Showing posts from 2023

Valentine wagon for patio

  Hubby and I decided to stop at the thrift store...I was just walking along not really looking at anything when I saw this solid wood homemade wagon.....the wheels have axles and turn the hitch comes down and you can pull it....but it was red and green......but when I saw the hearts on the wheels I knew I wanted it for our front patio for I for got to get pictures of the before but right now turning the green into a soft gray....picked up a few decor from the dollar store and will show this off when I get it all done...the wagon measures 30 inches long x 20 inches high solid wood......and cost me $7.49 plus tax...I am excited about it...just perfect for the patio

Christmas gifts for neighbors

  Tonight hubby and I are delivering a few neighbor Christmas gifts....we have 3 new neighbors and we are delivering 5 bags of gifts.......nothing special in each bag ..just a few things I put together....I shopped at thrift stores throughout the summer and picked up little santa and snowmen...little decorations and thoughout the month I have been melting wax pelts ...I got the wicks from hobby lobby and just made a few candles for the season....then daughter and I picked up a few of these season potholders that we attached a cookie mix and spatula to ....a Christmas card and I make angels....lots and lots of crocheted I attached one to each bag.......the little angel holds a poem that says ........ Sending a tiny Angel To walk though life with you To give you angel kisses And special blessings too, You may not always see her But know that she is there. Always watching over you With tender, loving care. This may not seem like anything to our neighbors but it means a lot to

Early Christmas Prep

  December 7th...and since we all started so early on decorating and getting ready ...we are ready........I love starting my decorating early as I have been able to enjoy them and just relax.....Christmas cards are in the shopping is all done...neighbors gifts are ready to all I need to do is write out them menu and finish picking up what groceries will be needed for dinner.......this has let us be bell ringers, drive around and look at lights, be able to go to craft fairs and soon to Christmas programs without any this time of year.......and want to enjoy every little bit of everything....God bless and try to relax as the days draw closer to Christmas....enjoy the season and always look to the Lamb of God....he will give your rest, peace, comfort, joy, the days go by...

Getting our Decor out and Decorating for Christmas in November

  Well November when I begin taking down all my Fall and Harvest decor.....I clean the house and slowly begin adding my Christmas decor.....grandkids help me unload tubs and arrange items on the table and floor to put away, donate or add to the room.......getting ready for the Holidays...... here is my go to list......... preparing for Christmas in November: Plan your Christmas baking schedule . Baking Christmas cookies can be time consuming. November is a good time to plan out your baking list and start baking a few batches of cookies. Most Christmas cookies will keep well in the freezer for several months. Plan & shop for Christmas decor . Yes, you can start putting up Christmas decorations in November. Think about the items you already have and what you intend to buy. Plan your Christmas tree themes for the year and work toward what you need for them. Decorate for Christmas . The weekend after Halloween works best for me. I begin to unload my tubs and see what I will us


  Fall...every year as the kids were growing up we always did a "family fun day" kids would skip school and hubby would take the day off....we were to do something fun with the money involved just fun.....sometimes we would just drive out into the woods, with a picnic, find a logging road and everyone had to pick up pinecones.......ever since we have always had the kids (now grandkids) collect us pinecones in the fall.....I always find something to do with them to decorate and make the kids feel special......just a little memory......trying to cherish all the memories big or small.....its all about family.........take time today to enjoy your families....find something small or big to do with them....make them feel on them......they are your family........and years from now you will look back and smile.......God bless....

Fall and Old fashioned goodness

  Since the kids, grandkids are all going back to school and there is a chill in the air I begin to think about Fall.........Fall to me is a time to slow enjoy our homes....enjoy time with hubby and I get older we appreciate our home so much more..........little times..........where we just set...not talking just being together........hubby reading and me doing needlework.......I know this sounds old fashioned but we kinda are "old fashioned"..........we love times when one of our kids or grandkids take time to just come and set a few minutes and share their days and life with us....precious memories....its a time of "old fashioned goodness" . What is old fashioned Goodness?  ..............Faith in God,, .....wholesomeness,.... respect, ...kindness, ....graciousness, ...honor, .....manners, .....values,....morals,.... modesty.... hospitality, ...appreciation,.... good clean fun, traditions,.... Grandma’s old

Fall decorating time

  Summer is coming to a close for us....usually after the grandkids return back to school and we take one last camping trip to Wallawa Lake campground we begin our Fall prep and closing down of today I will begin with our front patio......all my patriotic and summer decor is coming my decision is do I just dress up the patio in the front and back or do I dress them but also make them we can sitll go out and enjoy the rain and the beginning of the change of colors.......leaning a lot toward the idea of cozy...the pic below is not my patio but and idea of some of the things I want to use....will take pics after I finally decide my direction....have fun decorating for Fall...make your area how you want to relax in it...

Who's ready for Fall?

  Wow ...who would think we are already thinking about Fall....but after driving through the mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming the last week and seeing the trees and bushes already turning the Fall colors I came home and decided it's time to get my list out and go to work.  I always like preparing ahead of time for everything......I always want to be I prepared a list and you can change it and make it your own...or just make your own....but a list keeps me organized and I love checking the items off as I go......and yes, I will probably be adding more as the days go special order...just a list 1.  clean gutters 2. repair the gutters if needed 3. wash the windows inside and out 4. get out all lumber jack plaid 5. order firewood if needed...or furnace oil... 6.  make a batch of homemade chili 7. replace or clean furnace filters 8. get out Fall throws and pillows 9.  Mouse proof all house 10. change all bedding and lines to Fall decor 11. put

Homemade Vegan Friendly Soap

  We have been working on our line of homemade soaps....each bar is vegan friendly...we have spearmint, peppermint, spice tea, tea tree lime, lavender, minty eucalyptus, coffee and lavender rosemary .  Check out our shop at ....for prices and enjoy

Taking month of June back to our Father's day...

  The month of this family is a time to honor our Father's, Dad's, Grandpa's, Brothers, Son's and any man that stands proud, strong and tall......with good strong morals.......strength to guide his family, strong arms to protect his loved ones, wisdom to guide even the youngest ones to the oldest, men who stand and make their family and friends proud.......yes I believe in pride month......pride in our country.......pride that under God we trust......pride that there are still ones with morals and backbones.....pride that I can stand and take the month of June back to where it belongs........a month for our men.......this is one grandma who will not allow any of the pride garbage of today in our home......we stand to honor the men.....hubby's who have spent hours working for their families, hubby's who have cried with things go wrong, hubby's who will do anything for their families and friends......God bless you men who stand tall and strong....y

Vintage Parlor chairs and brass bell windchime

  Years ago I found these cool little vintage ice cream parlor chairs at a yard sale.  I have just been storing them until our son built us an arbor for me to display them on. Brother Dale gave me these brass bell windchimes to add to my patio arbor.  I am so excited to get to finally use some of these items. This little wagon was found at a yard sale for only $2 ...and the bunny was given to me by a dear purchased at a thrift make a fun display on our front porch. The beginning of our excited and fun to watch hubby and son put it all together. Only thing left to do is put on the hand rails and the corrugated clear excited to be done.

No spend 2023

  We live on a fixed income, so I decided this year to just use what I have.  I have collected everything for years.  Many times, I knew I could make money on it, so I just purchased it.... cleaned it up or fixed it and sold it then at a yearly yard sale.  I have been doing this since I was 21 and that has been many years ago.  Now daughter runs "RustyCupboard"....I make, suggest and help as much as I can but being that I am now 70 years old.  I don't do much. But this year in January... I decided that I need to clear out.  So, I told daughter I am going to just use items I have here in the home to make my projects and items.  The many tubber ware containers came out and I have been going through them.  It has been fun to just try to use what is here with a no spend idea, or the idea I cannot spend over $5 to finish the item.   I have yarn, material, threads, sewing supplies, painting supplies, paint, vintage items etc.  my list goes on.  We have raised 3 boys and one gir

Repairing a vintage lawn chair

  While out working on our back patio...we stop to rest a few minutes and one of my vintage lawn chairs the strap pops.  I love this older chair as it is metal not aluminum.  So it is real nice and study.  I want to restore it and keep using it. So I check on google and found this site that helps a lot.  Now I will get this one done and have it in my yellow and white patio colors. check out this site if you are interested in doing the same. Aluminum Lawn Chair DIY Repair - My Life Abundant

Stocking your pantry

  I always try to pick up some extra groceries each time I shop....I guess it comes from us living almost 2 hours from good shopping stores most of our lives........but even now I do....I found this cool list that helps to keep me on I don't line my shelves with crazy items just to stock pile......but I do try to keep a few extras for just crazy life work this how you like...choose the items your family can use.....don't just stock dates come and go on these items...... Week 1 – Spend $5 on Rice Week 2 – Spend $5 on Beans Week 3 – Spend $5 on Sugar Week 4 – Spend $5 on Salt Week 5 – Spend $5 on Baking Soda Week 6 – Spend $5 on Milk Powder Week 7 – Spend $5 on Dried Onion Week 8 – Spend $5 on Dried Garlic Week 9 – Spend $5 on Unsweetened Cocoa Powder Week 10 – Spend $5 on Baking Powder or Yeast Week 11 – Spend $5 on a Whole Grain Week 12 – Spend $5 on anything else Now comes the real challenge….just how much of each of t

Vintage Wheel Barrows

  I know some of these pics look like I neglected them but through the winter...we did not work in the back yard my wheel barrows are just in different places....I have a total of 4 vintage ones..                                                                                 one will be full of the plant "old hen and little chicks" at least that is what we have always called I plan on making into a solar water fountain....have my supplies but just waiting for some nice spring we woke up to snow this morning....melted pretty fast but still had hubby uses all the time..... and one will just be for display in the front finally putting all of my wheelbarrows to work..........will show pics of my wheel barrow solar water fountain as soon as its done...

New line of Kids t shirts

 We have just opened our first t-shirt on our kids line of clothing in our etsy shop......check it out and feel free to purchase...sizes are available...... Kids Heavy Cotton Tee - Etsy

Bringing out Easter and enjoying the Spring day

  Today its only 36 degrees out...road work being done outside my yard ..where a round-a-bout is being put in.  So lots of crazy noise, vibrations and men.  I decided it would be  a great day to bring out all the Easter and Spring decorations......talked hubby into getting all 5 tubs out and placing them in the middle of the family room. I have all my summer patio dishes in tubs and need to bring out for the summer.  Want to wash them and place them where I need them. Getting everything stacked. Many items I purchased at yard sales.  The eggs are plastic.   I have always loved Easter just makes me happy....and all my vintage bunnies. I love my Easter Egg Display...I paid about $7 at the thrift store but it is in excellent condition. I always keep lots of greenery to be put out.  I enjoy the real with the trying to get it all put away before hubby wants to come in and set down and rest.  Have a great day.  

Working on my Cross Stitch

 A few years ago I picked up this cross stitch quilt at a yard sale.  It has been in a tub in my craft room for years.  I am working hard on trying to clear out all my projects so I can start all fresh.   I love doing these and then crocheting around the edges.  They make great baby shower gifts.  But this one came with no paperwork, so I have no idea what it is or the colors.   So hubby and I are both looking to see which is the top and which is the bottom and what we are looking at. We could not decide so I suggested me starting on one corner and outlining the items that I find. And then we began to see what was in the stitches.  At first we thought it was a kitten but now thinking it is a bear.  But so fun to see what is coming of the stitches.  Kinda fun not knowing and just getting to choose my own colors. This will be available in our shop when I get it all finished...Will keep you posted on what is in the design.