No spend 2023


We live on a fixed income, so I decided this year to just use what I have.  I have collected everything for years.  Many times, I knew I could make money on it, so I just purchased it.... cleaned it up or fixed it and sold it then at a yearly yard sale.  I have been doing this since I was 21 and that has been many years ago.

 Now daughter runs "RustyCupboard"....I make, suggest and help as much as I can but being that I am now 70 years old.  I don't do much.

But this year in January... I decided that I need to clear out.  So, I told daughter I am going to just use items I have here in the home to make my projects and items.  The many tubber ware containers came out and I have been going through them.  It has been fun to just try to use what is here with a no spend idea, or the idea I cannot spend over $5 to finish the item.  

I have yarn, material, threads, sewing supplies, painting supplies, paint, vintage items etc.  my list goes on.  We have raised 3 boys and one girl, so I am always getting denim jeans.....worn out ones to use so I have piles of denim to use.

I want to clear as much as I can out as I am getting older, and projects are slowing down.  It now takes me a lot longer to finish a project than it used to....I used to try to time myself on getting it done and done right.  Yes, doing it that way many times I had to redo it but still was fun.  Now after breaking both wrists a couple years ago, I suffer from pain in them.  I can use them during the day and hurt most of the night.  Especially after I work outside and paint.

But I will not complain just work on.  I change up projects to use my hands in different motions and that helps a lot.

Now that summer is coming near.  Hubby and I want to take time to camp.  We don't go far away from home but to local campgrounds.  It gets me away from the house and all that comes with home owning. I can set under a tree in the shade and just let the wind blow through my thoughts and I come a lot closer to our Lord.  I think about children and grandchildren and hubby and my future.  At our age we also need to make future plans as we get older.

The patriotic firesticks are made from left over 4x4's from our fencing project.

So this year clear out all those closets and start producing some amazing might be surprised at what you got and don't need to buy to finish an item. Also, you never know what someone else is looking for and can really use.


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