Fall and Old fashioned goodness


Since the kids, grandkids are all going back to school and there is a chill in the air I begin to think about Fall.........Fall to me is a time to slow down...to enjoy our homes....enjoy time with families....to relax....as hubby and I get older we appreciate our home so much more..........little times..........where we just set...not talking just being together........hubby reading and me doing needlework.......I know this sounds old fashioned but we kinda are "old fashioned"..........we love times when one of our kids or grandkids take time to just come and set a few minutes and share their days and life with us....precious memories....its a time of "old fashioned goodness"
.What is old fashioned Goodness? ..............Faith in God, ....love, .....wholesomeness,.... respect, ...kindness, ....graciousness, ...honor, .....manners, .....values,....morals,.... modesty.... hospitality, ...appreciation,.... good clean fun, .....family traditions,.... Grandma’s old family recipes,..... an honest day’s work, .....Grandpa’s wisdom, doing the right thing,.....

So I have been working on changing our home to settle in......comfy...throws, blankets, changing out the drapes, linens......dishes for the seasons and etc.....placing pumpkins out for the grandkids to see.....and some to play with........thinking about pleasing others ........stacking the snack bowl and purchasing just the right things for after school snacks and grab and go goodies......love this time of year and time to think about others....
Spending time thinking about just what hubby and I need to get through the winter months.......what needs done in the home ...around the home.........and for us....enjoy this season ...enjoy your families......love on your families......make precious memories and just keep being you.......let life and it's crazyiness not enter your home....keep it a safe haven for you and your family...God bless


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