Who's ready for Fall?


Wow ...who would think we are already thinking about Fall....but after driving through the mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming the last week and seeing the trees and bushes already turning the Fall colors I came home and decided it's time to get my list out and go to work.  I always like preparing ahead of time for everything......I always want to be ready.......so I prepared a list......my list and you can change it and make it your own...or just make your own....but a list keeps me organized and I love checking the items off as I go......and yes, I will probably be adding more as the days go by...no special order...just a list

1.  clean gutters

2. repair the gutters if needed

3. wash the windows inside and out

4. get out all lumber jack plaid

5. order firewood if needed...or furnace oil...

6.  make a batch of homemade chili

7. replace or clean furnace filters

8. get out Fall throws and pillows

9.  Mouse proof all house

10. change all bedding and lines to Fall decor

11. put outdoor cushions away and store

12. make a list of indoor projects you want to get done over the winter

13.purchase items for indoor winter projects

14. replace all ferns with mums

15. get yard bags and items ready for Fall cleanup

16. cover and clean outside air conditioner

17. make a couple of pumpkin pies

18. get list ready for what family members want some gourmet caramel corn for holidays

19. check all your scented candles and replace

20. empty all ceramic and clay pots outside and store for winter

21. make an appointment to have tires checked or winter tires put on

22. purchase all supplies for crafts and sewing projects

23. plant spring flowers and dig up and divide some

24. throw away all dead plants and garden ones

25.go through food pantry and throw away all outdated food and make list to replace what is needed

26. ask someone family or friend if they need help preparing for winter

27. clean refrigerator and replace items

28. haul our all-flannel pajamas and warm robes 

29. pack away all summer clothes and store in closet

30. buy or check on all puzzles needed to get through winter months

31.cozy up front porch or patio

32. make pumpkin spice pie latte mix and fill jars

33. deep clean mop, vacuum and sweep all rooms

34. make baked apples and enjoy

35. get out coffee bar and replenish all items to make mochas, hot cocoa, latte's, teas and flavored coffee

36. check book supply and replenish will all needed books for cold days

37.dry all winter herbs and store

38. get out dehydrator and go to work

39 build a fire in firepit and burn some marshmellews

40 turn of outdoor irrigation and have lines blown out

Now that is my list and I will be adding more as the days go more into winter.....work your list in any way you want but lets all just get it done...


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