Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson disease journey #38


This is a week that I have been dreading....we have an appointment in Meridian on Friday for hubby to see the neurologist. She wanted us to go for 4 months without meds and then come back. She wanted us to note what we saw and she will evaluate what the next step is.
The kids and friends all have noticed a decline in him. He no longer reads just sets. I try hard to find things to make him move and do. Even if they are silly it gets him to react.
I need your prayers as the doctor will decide what meds as the Lewy body is doctored then the Parkinson will get worse and vice versa....so not sure what she will do.
Kids and I have agreed that we will do what the neurologist says either way. Lewy body is so different than other dementias...
While camping he got confused and turned around....but not bad. He helped a little but not much. People you loose your best friend, best hubby, and you find yourself feeling like you are really just a caretaker.....I try not to feel that way but no conversations, no opinions, no help, no new ideas....and mostly no fun. Yes he is still here in body but gone in so many ways.


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