Our Lewy body Dementia and Parkinson journey #31

Life is so funny....hubby and I have been together for 50 years...you would think we would know each other. But with this goofy disease...it changes everything. Hubby has been trying to help out but is limited. He still gets dizzy...tires real easy.....gets frustrated....some times throws temper tantrums like a little kid. I can handle most of these issues...but lately when things go wrong....he turns and blames me....he thinks I am turning the world against him.....that I am making everything so hard for him....that I don't care any more....that I think I can do everything and he can't.......really big into the blame game....this is one of the hardest of the issues.........because it is more a mean side. Yes, I know it's not his fault and normally he isn't like this....but this is a crazy stage. We were at work and he got frustrated when I asked him to place the chairs in the back of the pickup....he got in the middle of the road threw the chairs down...started yelling and stomping around and then he relaxed....I said "now that that is over please put the chairs away"....He is eating good ..not gaining weight.....no pain ....just tired and dizzy.......but life is going on and we are still here....tired but here...God bless and thank you all for caring....and please no negative thoughts.....I am stressed right now and don't need to read them...thank you...


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