Our LBD and P journey #33

 Today is hubbies 73rd birthday.....we were excited for him.  But we had agreed to celebrate it next weekend when the kids will be here, and we are all camping at the local state park and going to the Asotin county fair and parade.

So today we were going to go to work for a few hours and then relax the rest of the day.  When we got home, we decided to go to Costco for a few items and our 16-year-old grandson was with us for the weekend.  We were having fun and finished at Costco when we got back to our car hubby had a melt down.  I told grandson to put the groceries in the back of the jeep and the toilet paper in the backseat next to him.  That's when hubby lost it...he began throwing his arms around yelling "you do that... don't do that" and yelling at grandson.  People were stopping and looking at him....I jumped from the driver's seat and said "Brent settle down everything is fine...just get in"....he begins to yell "you never listen to me"....I said "ok let's do it your way".....when things changed, and he gets real quiet and says "ok we need 4 loaves".....grandson looks at me and I said "it's the disease...."ok Brent 4 loaves is what we will get and he says "good I like bread".....and the melt down was over...

I am telling this just because we never know when, where or why these episodes happen....yes it is embarrassing to me and grandson but not to hubby...he doesn't even understand what he is doing.  I find the best thing to do is not argue but let him have his way and then when he settles down fix it.  It's so hard...we were trying to make a good day for him.

I am losing my hubby little by little...he is changing and changing fast..  I cried to the Lord the other day and "it came to me loud and clear".....I am giving you another year....I have to make this year count....have to make memories but also I can't push hubby to hard....to much overwhelms him....its not his fault it is mine....I should have known to much today was to much.....

His time is limited and we know it....breaks my heart but also trying to be thankful....I want to fight back on this disease...I hate it pushing all our buttons....I am a fighter but this is one that has the best of me.....all I can say is I am trying.....Happy birthday hubby.....he didn't even realize it was his birthday until the kids all called or told him........sometimes life is hard...


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