Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #87

 I worked today doing what I love to do...working with son in construction...it gets me out of the house, meeting new people and using my body...win win...and I also get paid.

But tonight I want my hubby back. I know we are all told we can not live in the past....I need the past. I come home from work. Hubby has not answered his phone all day. Did not hear it ring. So I was worried about him. He never ate all day...not sure why....just was setting in his chair with no TV on...just setting.
I come in and tell him about my day...about me being sick....about needing to fix dinner...about this is August and we have certain things we need to do in August....such as order fuel for the furnace etc....
And then I get upset....he is just setting there not saying anything....then he goes and puts his shoes on....I say what are you doing...getting ready to go with you....no I am not going anywhere....then I get a virtual slap....he hadn't understood a word I said. no reasoning nothing....
I want Brent back....Lord, I need Brent back the one who will take care of me when I don't feel good...who will help me figure things out....where are you deep inside that body....
Tonight I am sad.....yes probably because I am sick but also I just need a glimpse at the end of the rainbow.....a peek to see our future without this craziness.......Lord.....I need your hand tonight...


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